2. The college

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Next day I woke up at 7 am for my classes. Quickly showering I put on kurta and leggings. Brushing my hair, I applied some kajol and eyeliner.I didn't like putting much makeup . I put on my apron. I liked putting on apron. It helped me realise my duty as a doctor .

My friend Avni and i went to the college for our first lecture of medicine. Maansingh as usual followed me. He used to stay outside the class. My classmates used to make fun of me and give weird looks,but I was used to it.Later we attended clinical postings. On rounds the professor asked us questions which I answered mostly.

Later at lunch Avni told me that they had put up a notice for a conference in New York where 2 medical students from my college would be allowed to attend. For that they had an interview which would be held in afternoon.

I knew my parents wouldn't allow me to go so far away. But I always wanted to travel the world. I felt trapped living under rules and traditions. For once I wanted to be free.

After lunch we attended the interview. The results were supposed to be declared tomorrow.

After exam while I was sitting with my friends in front of college ,Randeep appeared. He was tall,had a sharp jaw, muscular body. He was smiling as he came towards me. He said he wanted to talk to me alone. I saw Maansingh looking at me and Randeep. I was not allowed to have boys as friends. He would report everything to my parents. I told him to meet me behind the college. Sometimes Avni and I would sneak away from there without Maansingh noticing.

Honestly my heart skipped a bit. Since the beginning I had a crush on him, but I mentally controlled myself because he was a punjabi boy. Completely different caste from mine. My parents being Rajputs had a status in society where loving someone out of our caste was considered a paap(sin).I decided to not think of him much. I went to talk to him.

" Akshara, I actually have something to confess to you".

I thought what this handsome boy had to confess to 'Me'. Randeep was the most popular boy in our college. Girls used to practically throw themselves at him. He was the captain of football team . I on the other hand was a shy nerd who used to be in traditional clothes all the time. I had a small body with long hair and hardly any curves. While I was in my thought process,he said something I didn't hear.

I snapped out of my thought," what were you saying?" I asked.

" I actually find you very attractive since day one. Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I actually couldn't believe my ears. The Randeep was asking me on a date. I was screaming with joy mentally. But later I remembered about my family and traditions.

With much pain I said, "Sorry Randeep I....can..'t".

He looked at me with much pain in his eyes.

"Why? Don't you find me attractive. I saw you looking at me many times. You are so beautiful and innocent. Please give me a chance."

" I can't. My family is very strict. I can't go against them. You will find someone else.",I said and walked away from there.

I heard him telling me to stop but I went away from there. I was mentally angry at myself for hurting such a sweet guy. I started walking to my hostel with tears in my eyes.

"Baisa you know I have to tell this to Ranisa. So many times I have seen you sneaking away with your friend.I always followed you from distance. I didn't tell your parents because I always think you as my daughter. I know you have a tough life because of your status. But if you fall in love with this boy it will not be good for you as well as me", Maansingh said.

Though Maansingh was quiet all the time,he saying so much made me realise what he said was true.

" I won't talk to him again kakasa. Please don't tell maasa. Please for this last time", I said to him

Later after going to my hostel,I changed into my pajamas and started thinking of what happened today. I felt regret about my earlier actions. I was thrown out of my thought by my phone ringing. I picked up,it was my mother's.

" Hello maa, how r you?" I asked.

" Hello beta, I'm good. How was college?Actually I wanted to tell you the good news that the boy's family has said yes for marriage. They were very impressed with you. They are waiting for your decision. Please beta say yes,you will never find such a great rishta(proposal) another time", She said.

I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I didn't want to marry that guy but I had no reason to reject him.

" I don't know maa, I have not decided yet. "

" Akshara please tell till tomorrow,we can't keep them waiting" .

Though my maasa said she would give me time,I knew I had to give my answer soon. I had no reason to reject this marriage. If I rejected him because I didn't like him, people will say it is my fault. That I have some shortcoming to reject such a nice family.

I hung up the phone. And started crying. I didn't want to accept the proposal.On the other hand if I reject and marry someone like Randeep, my parents respect will be gone in society. People will laugh at them and say bad things about them. In some parts of India there is a thing called 'honour killing.' Where the parents of bride kill the bride if she loves or marries boy of other caste. I know my parents were too educated for these rituals, I didn't want them to lose their respect in society and walk with their heads down.

I skipped dinner that night and cried myself to sleep

Next day we went to college as usual. After lecture, I went to notice board where I saw that I was selected for conference. When I saw who else was selected, I was shocked. It was Randeep. I didn't know what to do. How could I resist him talking to me for five days. I was ignoring him all day.  We had to leave in two days and I had to inform my parents. I didn't know how they would react. Although my parents supported my education, I doubted whether they would allow me to go to a foreign land with a boy. And I couldn't lie to them with my conscience.

Later I went to my hostel room and called them.

"What is your decision? " asked my maa.

" Actually maa I have something important to tell you. I was selected to go to New York for conference along with a friend. I know maa you won't allow me to go so much far. But please maasa it is for five days only. This is my last chance of freedom maasa. Later I will marry whoever you want me to marry.I have always listened to you. Please maasa consider this my last request as your daughter.", I said crying

My mother said, " I will talk to your father about this. We will have to ask permission from your in-laws if your marriage is fixed. You know how our society works. But please accept this proposal . I only want your happiness beta. I don't want people talking behind your back your whole life. I love you Akshara".

After thinking about what she said I thought I had no other choice than to say yes.

" Ok maasa I accept their proposal"

With that I ended my call. I was relieved as I finally would get my chance to freedom for a few days. But I also remembered I had to marry after I come back. I decided that I would make these 5 days the best days of my life.

Later I received a call from my mother saying father agreed for the trip. She said she had to convince my in-laws saying it's important for my studies. She also instructed me not to wander alone and talk to strangers. She gave me instructions on what to wear, what to do and everything. Thankfully Maansingh was not going to be there as he didn't have passport and it would take time She asked me Randeep's number in case of emergency. I gave it to her. She didn't know about Randeep. Thankfully Maansingh hadn't told her anything.

I agreed with all her demands as I felt them small compared to freedom I was having and the chance to explore a foreign land. Smiling I slept peacefully that night.

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