3. Unforgettable

753 33 29

Mark opens an eye and sighs.

Thank god that was a dream.

He was in the same place he started in, he must've fallen asleep again.

He stands up and freezes for a moment, feeling something square laying against his stomach. He lifts up his top and sees Yuta's notebook which had blood on it. It wasn't a dream at all. He checks his side and sees some careful, precise and definitely professional stitching. Did Yuta do this? what kind of psychopath is he?! to harm you and then heal you? what the hell man!?

He checks his back pocket and finds that none of his post-it notes are in there anymore... and his phone's gone...

"Aw, dude, why'd you take my phone?" He sighs. He detects something in the corner of his eye and whips his head around to see a familiar pastel green post-it in the same place he saw the first one. He rushes up to it and picks it up.


I hope your side doesn't hurt too bad
I've given you another chance to get
out but it'll be more obvious but more
difficult. I'll be roaming around so
watch your back babe ;)

~ Yuta


"Babe? that's vile..." Mark retorts, shoving the post-it in his back pocket before making his way back downstairs in search of the penknife. He reaches the hallway and checks the door just in case and gasps as it's open.

He swings the door open without further thought and rushes out, laughing in glee. He didn't care if Yuta had his phone, he was free and he recognised the place so he knew his way home.

Mark begins to sprint as fast as possible down the road not looking back at Yuta who was stood at the doorway smiling softly with his arms crossed. Yuta had purposely left the door open but he had not realised that Mark was going to go the same way he did the first time but he knows that Mark is gonna come running back to him sooner or later so he wasn't too bothered about Mark escaping. He didn't want to kill Mark anymore, he wanted to keep Mark as his own. Yuta wanted Mark to want him as bad as he wanted Mark. He knew he had to wait for that day to come but he was excited because he knew it was sooner than Mark wanted.

After a while of sprinting full speed down roads and alleyways, Mark finally reaches the shop he met Yuta in. He enters the shop for a minute and sighs.

The shopkeeper bows and says hello to Mark and Mark smiles. He knew the shopkeeper quite well seeing as he was a regular customer at the shop. "Hey bro" Mark huffs. "You alright?" He asks Mark who shakes his head. "Yeah yeah... just some shit went off but I'm fine," He says, catching his breath. "I'll drive you back home if you want, shops shutting in five" The shopkeeper suggests but Mark shakes his head. "I'll be alright, thanks though, anyway see you tomorrow or something," Mark says before leaving the shop hurriedly and making his way back to his place.

On his way back, Mark didn't feel eyes on his back like he did when Yuta was stalking him. He felt at peace like usual when walking somewhere late at night.

Mark reaches the apartments and makes his way up the stairs, sighing as he leant against the back of the stairs to relax for a minute. He couldn't stop thinking about Yuta. It was driving him crazy, he was traumatised by everything that had happened so far and he needed something to get his mind off it, whether it be alcohol or watermelon, he needed to be distracted so he could forget it forever and it'd never be brought up ever again.

The metal railing squeaks, making him jump as he's snapped back to reality. He walks down to the door before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. He hoped Johnny was awake depending on what time it was. It must be quite late seeing as he didn't see anyone on the roads on his way away from the house.

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