Chapter 18: Forced.

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Hey... ehhhhh. I would like to give a bit of a warning here. I can't exactly explain what this is but warning for like... forced romantic acts? Its a kiss that one side did not agree upon. You have been warned (it's not Ludwig,)

You could hear the laughing all the way down the hall. Feliciano's room was the source. This is where Ludwig and Feli were stationed at, currently laughing like teenage girls.

"Yeah!!! And that's when I—" Feliciano was cut off by a knock at the door. Both males in the room turned to look at the source of sound.

Antonio opened the door and peaked his head in, "Great to know you're having fun, mi amigos! We will be having dinner soon." He informed them, receiving two head nods. They couldn't wait.

They turned back to eachother and smiled, Ludwig spoke first "Hey sorry to cut off your story, but do you mind if I go do something outside really quick?"

Feliciano shook his head, he figured it wouldn't take very long, "Nah, go ahead. Be back soon though, I need to finish my tale," he made it sound like a quest.

Ludwig got up with a chuckle, "Ja, ja, alright." He left Feliciano's room and headed towards where everyone else was at. Two new people were there. His brother and some male with long blonde hair.

Ludwig didn't question when they got there or who the newbie was. He probably saw him before somewhere. He gave glances at everyone before he walked out the front door.


Feli started singing quietly to himself, some of it humming. He only stopped when he heard to door close, as if someone just walked in. "Hey, what did you have to do any—" he looked up to see Gilbert "Oh.. hey—" cue awkward laugh.

Gilbert made his way over to Feli, which made the shorter male very uncomfortable. He was very nervous even just by his presence. Now they were alone in the same room...

Gilbert spoke with a toothy grin, "Hey... Where's your little friend at?" He looked Feliciano up and down, slowly turning back to look into his eyes. "Out... he said he'd be back in a bit." He got closer and cupped Feli's cheeks in his hands, holding his head up. Though not the comforting kind of hold, more firm and aggressive.

Feli tried to move back but Gilbert didn't let up "What do you want??" He spoke in a panicked tone. Gil just inched forward "I can't say hello to my favorite Italian friend?" He spoke in a pouty, yet flirtatious tone.

"Whatever you're doing. Stop... please." Feliciano tried not to be loud. He could feel tears starting to form as he tilted his head away some.

"Poor thing... Can I interest you in a show of gratitude for having me over?" Gilbert didn't even wait for a response, he flashed another smirk and sealed the gap between the two.

Feliciano freaked out. He couldn't pull away. He was stuck. Mentally and physically. He looked to the door, very panicked. He hoped nobody would see them oh god...

Gilbert pushed on with the kiss, even if Feliciano didn't kiss back. Feli had his lips sealed to prevent him from using any kind of tongue.

What if this ruined Feli's reputation? Or worse, his chance at dating anyone else, news could spread of this... thing.

Gilbert suddenly bit down on Feliciano's bottom lip, causing him to wince and open his mouth some. Gilbert immediately let himself in. He searched around in the cave, seeming as he had no fight, he stayed in control.

Feliciano didn't even know he was crying, he was so worried. Of course. Somebody had to walk in... Oh worse. It was Ludwig oh no... he would hate him.

Ludwig had walked in but was looking down. He held a box in his arms. After looking up he noticed the sight ahead of him. His brother kissing Feliciano,,, were they dating? Though, Feliciano looked very scared. He noticed tears coming out of his eyes and figured something was terribly wrong.

He pulled Gilbert away from Feliciano as he dropped the box, staring with the most angry expression. Gilbert still had his eyes on Feliciano, "Francis! Wait your fucking turn!" He snapped his head around angrily then his expression loosened to one of shock.

"The hell were you doing?" Ludwig asked in a harsh tone. He didn't understand how his brother could force himself on to Feli. He hoped he wasn't wrong about this.

Gilbert scoffed as he thought of a lie, "Just giving him his hello kiss. I'm thanking him for letting me come. It's all no homo."

"He's crying of gods sake!! What do you mean, 'hello kiss'??? That was more than just a thank you!!" Ludwig could feel himself getting angrier. He felt like punching his brother so bad, who the hell does this??

"Pfft. Yeah. Happy tears, brother. Not that you've ever experienced those," Gil blew a raspberry. Adverting his gaze from everyone.

"He's shaking." Ludwig pointed out. Gilbert looked over "So he is. Well I didn't expect that" he lied again. He knew Feliciano wasn't going to be thrilled with this. But he was obsessed with him.

Ludwig dragged Gilbert away from the bed and punched him in the gut one time, starting to pull up his groaning body to meet his gaze, "You need to leave." Ludwig practically ordered.


Feliciano looked away as soon as Ludwig's piercing blue eyes landed on his shaky ones. "He can stay..." Feliciano said, barely being able to catch his breath.

"What? How? Did you just forget wha—"Feliciano cut Ludwig off "I don't want somebody going home miserable. Please listen to me." His voice shook as he explained.

Gilbert almost looked triumphant. Ludwig moved closer to Gilbert "Run along." He instructed. As soon as Gil did, Ludwig went over to Feliciano.

He was barely able to hold it in. Ludwig tried to console Feli "Look, look. It's okay... He won't do it again..." Feliciano shook his head and wiped his eyes, "I'm s-sorry..."

Ludwig blinked "For what?" Feliciano moved closer and held onto Ludwig "I couldn't make him leave. I don't want him to get angry again..."

To those who skipped. Basically Gil tried to kiss Feli and Ludwig walked in on it and got angi.

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