Chapter 17: Almost ready!

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Upon request, Ludwig showed up to Feliciano's mansion. He arrived around noon to help everyone get ready. He saw that an extra vehicle, presumably Antonio's, was already there. Though, it was pretty much always there when Lud was around.

Ludwig threw his bag over his shoulder. He planned to stay for a bit so he brought his necessities. He quickly eyes where the presents lay, though keeping them in his truck.

He approached the mansion's door, knocking decently loud. He could hear loud music, presumably in Italian. After a few seconds the door swung open. Lovino stood in the doorway.

He always looked like he had a sneer on his face. Without saying a word he walked away, leaving the door open. Ludwig took a step in and shut the door. He looked around.

Food was on the stove cooking, Antonio helping it along its journey. And plates were stacked neatly in one area. There was still some mess but that was expected for something that was still in the process.

Lovino went to the edge of the stairs and yelled up "Feli!!! Your stupid boyfriend is here!" He didn't even look towards Ludwig to address what he said. He just went back to the kitchen to finish what they were cooking.

A voice yelled down, "Coming!!!" Ludwig heard Feliciano's voice ring out through the house. His mind thought to what Lovino said. 'Boyfriend?' His mind kept repeating.

Ludwig waited until he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. He could hear how quick Feli's pace was. He saw Feli appear at the end then quickly start running over to him.

Ludwig swiftly laid down his bag as he prepared for impact. Feliciano neared and practically jumped to Luddy, letting an exited giggle escape his lips.

Ludwig looked down to Feli and gave a light smile "Good to see you again," He felt a little odd this time round. Feliciano looked up to meet Ludwig's gaze. He had a bright smile that practically made Luddy melt, "Hi!"

Feliciano realized he hadn't exactly gave a good enough response, then tried to correct himself, "Oh! I mean uh... Yeah it's great! I missed you."

Ludwig chuckled as Feliciano let go of him, tho he felt a bit sad, "I was only gone like,,, 2 weeks." Feliciano huffed, "I know, that's 2 weeks too many."

As a small moment of silence erupted, Ludwig took the time to look at Feliciano's body. He first noticed the khaki pants, then his shirt. Which was a normal sweater like shirt with a collar attached on it.

He noticed how the shirt was cut to show some of the smaller male's stomach, neither noticed but Ludwig was definitely blushing.

Feliciano started getting flustered because of the staring, "Uhm... Do you like it...?" He asked nervously, getting a nod from Ludwig after he came to his senses, "You look... perfect." He smiled like a dork.


"No, No! Put them up there!" Feliciano instructed Ludwig as he helped clean the mess. There were pot and pans that needed to be put up in high shelves. Even Ludwig struggled a bit but they got up there.

Ludwig looked around at the almost spotless kitchen, then turned to Feli, "Looking good," he commented out loud, which got a simple hum in response. There were still a few pots left in the stove, which had food still cooking. And a few bowls were left out with had other food. They made sure to cover it with plastic wrap.

Feliciano made his way over to the fridge and opened it, grabbing a few bottles of wine. He sat them next to some glasses with a small sigh, "Help yourself." He smiled to Ludwig.

Ludwig eyed the wine but looked back to Feli, "I'm good for now." Feliciano nodded and looked around, making sure there was nothing left to do. "Let's go to my room. I have a lot to talk about!" Feliciano insisted. Ludwig didn't object, he was quite thrilled actually, so he simply let Feliciano lead him.

Grrrr sorry if I took a little too long to make a visible crush kinda thing going on but there you go losers!! Hope ya likey!

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