Ch.9 The Truth

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Hellloooo! I hope you've missed me... maybe a little? If not, oh well. Here is lovely chapter nine. Lulu is present, Dean is angry and Anori makes a friend??? Kinda? I think I figured out what I want to do with this story, but updates will be spread out because I've got like a bazillion other fics I'm working on and such. Don't leave me, I Love you guys, keep reading. As always, comment and vote.

~Miss Leysa <3

P.S. This part has not been edited or anything so excuse the crappy grammar and such.


Her hand shook as she held an angel blade out in front of her in a death grip, trying to deter the approaching enemy. She could feel the blood trickling down her back where her one wing had been violently torn off, the other barely attached to her body. There was so much pain. She was backed up against a wall when the crowd of angels parted and Metatron walked forward, smirk on his face, eyes shining. She watched him saunter over to her and cease any movement of hers with a well placed foot to the wing. This brought forth a scream of agony from Anori who clawed at his leg, begging to be let go. Again he smiled, reaching down and picking her up by the arm, grabbing onto her mangled wing and cutting it off. She was wingless now. Anori was aware that she was falling and then all went black.

She woke with a start, sitting straight up from her dream. A dream that was true, she remembered everything now. How he'd tortuously slowly sliced off one wing while she was tied to a chair, back flat against it and wings through the slits at the back. How Metatron had forcefully ripped her grace from her, leaving her no way to heal or protect herself. He took the blade to her many a time as she hung limply from a wall in a cell that know one but she and him knew about.

A movement from the other side of the room brought her out of her memories, it sounded like feathers. She was scared that Metatron had somehow found her and was here to take her back, even though he was the one that threw her down here in the first place. She turned after she felt the soft breeze created by what definitely was wings and came face to face with none other than Lucifer. "Ann?" He asked, reaching out with one hand.

"Don't!" she hissed, backing away and drawing the blanket up around her. "You're just an illusion sent by Metatron, You're not him. Get away!" she yelled, sure that she was going crazy.

"Ann. Stop it, it's me." he snapped back, making another move towards her.

She kicked him in the face and began screaming. "Go- Go away! Away! You're not real. GO AWAY."

She heard footsteps running towards the room and pushed Lucifer away yet again. "Nori?" Cas yelled, banging on the door, jiggling the handle. "Dean it's stuck." Anori heard him murmer.

"Anori! Unlock the door." screamed Dean, throwing himself against the door. She was crying now and kept screaming for Lucifer to get back. "That's it..." Dean growled and the door splintered as he shot a hole near the handle to gain access to the room.

As soon as the door opened, Lucifer froze, staring at the three men in the doorway who all stared at him. Anori, upon seeing the door open and the boys standing there, shoved her way past Lucifer and clung to Sam, who wrapped an arm around her protectively.

"How the Hell did you get in here?" Dean asked darkly, raising the gun at Lucifer.

"Dean." Sam said calmly, "Just calm-"

"Calm down?!" he yelled, "We warded this place up to kingdom come. How the fuck is Satan standing here in your room, Sam? Get her out of here."


"No Sam." he snapped and his brother picked up the fallen angel and carried her shaking body out to the living room and sitting her on the couch with him.

"You need stronger warding to keep out an archangel, Dean." Lucifer said with a shake of his head. "Cas could have told you that. I believe he did, but you failed to listen, am I right?"

"Look I don't need your sorry ass, so why don't you just fuck off and leave."

"I'm not leaving." he stated, pulling out his wings and spreading them wide to intimidate Dean. "Not without her."

"Well she's not really willing to go right now if that wasn't obvious to you."

"I will wait then." he sighed, tucking his wings behind his back and sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring at Castiel and Dean in the doorway. "That okay?"

"Get out of my house." Glowered Dean.

"Calm down. I'm not starting an apocalypse." Lucifer rolled his eyes, "Do one wrong thing and they hate you forever."

"You've done more than one wrong thing, Lucifer." said Cas, moving to stand by Dean's side. "Why should we trust you?"

"Because I'm going to kill Metatron." he answered bluntly, looking at the ground with his hands clenched together and muscles taught.

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