Chapter Four: Piece of Mind

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Zinkah was on my left as we walked on the path next to the Dead Sea. The entire time I would be periodically glancing over to the sea while my hands would fidget anxiously.

"Oof, this is a tight squeeze," I stood in front of a small gap between two mountains, a point which took only a few hours to reach by foot. "Is this the only way to reach the Highfare grasslands?"

"We can keep walking along the ocean and find out if you want," Zinkah crossed her arms.

"No, that's just fine, thanks." I faced the narrow passage and began to squeeze through it. This passage was at the most inland point of the Dead Sea, right in the middle between Caipass and Archwright.

Zinkah began to sidle behind me and she groaned. "What in the world are we doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did we leave Archwright? What are we doing?"

"We're going to find the four other stones or runes or whatever."

"Why exactly are we doing that again?"

"The Speaker said to." I eventually crawled out of the tight space and I waited for Zinkah to come through.

"And so you just blindly trust that?"

"Zinkah, I've known him my whole life! He was there when I was BORN!"

"So?" She emerged from the crevice.

"The Speaker at the Church of Iluquor will tell us everything we want to know."

"So long as it's still standing."


"They passed the law, too, Laylis."

I turned away from Zinkah and looked down the narrow path sandwiched between these mountains.

"Then we better hurry, huh?" I said and Zinkah rolled her eyes.


We continued down the path and at last we ended up on the other side of the mountains.

We stood upon a hill overlooking the valley ahead of us, which was a large expanse of orange grass and a few trees of yellow leaves and varying sizes. A single large river flowed through the mostly flat fields and right at the far far back of the fields was an intimidatingly large and royal structure towering over a town. Iluquor.

We could no longer see Archwright or Caipass beyond the mountains to either side of the valleys, but off further in the distance was Isdale, residing in the mountains of the north.

"It's just... this is all moving so fast."

"Like I said, any questions you have I'm sure the next Speaker we come across will be more than happy to answer." I gestured towards Iluquor on the horizon. "Now, can we go?"

Zinkah sighed and shrugged, "Fine. Whatever."

I pointed to below us a building with lit windows and plumes of smoke coming from the chimney. "Let's go there, see what's up!" I said gleefully.

Without saying anything, Zinkah led the way down the hill.

I walked up the steps to the porch and reached to knock on the door, but it swung open before I could touch it.

"VISITORS!" Said the figure standing before me. He was short in stature and had long brown hair. His skin fair but with an old complexion.

I looked back to Zinkah and shrugged. "Sorry, were you expecting people? Because we aren't—"

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