Arc 4: Chapter 47: Beneath the ground

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Turns out, there was a reason why the mark acted that way. It was because Zhongli wanted to see him, though he didn't know he was unintentionally leading Childe back to him. He had felt extremely bad after he chased Tartaglia out of the camp and made him leave for Liyue Harbor all on his own. He was angry and he wasn't thinking straight, now that he had calmed down, he realized that Childe wasn't the same person as he was before. Zhongli was slightly worried about him, wondering how he was doing out in the wilderness without supplies.

Not to mention, he started to feel a little suspicious of the adventurer too. Zhongli spoke to Yong An a couple of times, thinking about heading back for Tartaglia but the adventurer always rejected the idea. He thought Adventurer Guides were supposed to care for others that might be in trouble in the wilderness, especially one that was part of their group. After all, they were known to do favours for people and rescue people in trouble.

And now that Tartaglia wasn't around, he slept less well than before. Zhongli occasionally woke up from his nightmares and he'd hear something going on outside. When he poked his head out of his tent to have a look, there wasn't anything. And Zhongli had the oddest feeling that the adventurer knew exactly where he was going although they were supposed to be figuring out what was happening. Nonetheless, Zhongli let the man do whatever he want without saying anything. Truthfully, he was curious what the man wanted and Zhongli knew he could protect himself if he had to.

They eventually arrived at a huge tree that didn't look like any ordinary tree. It was huge, rivalling the one in Mondstat, and it seemed to spark something in the back of Zhongli's head. Like the place had something to do with his past, whatever it was. Whether or not this was the place he was looking for, Zhongli was going to find out what secrets hid in this place.

"We should look around—"

"No, I think I know how to proceed. Dig out the ground behind the tree." Yong An cut in.

Zhongli stared, finding the man more and more odd. Nonetheless, he did as he was told. Zhongli could protect himself if he needed to. He held a hand and there was a soft golden glow that emitted from his hand. The dirt and stones started vibrating, then they carefully floated off and landed in a heap behind them. Surely, there was an ancient seal that Zhongli felt like he should recognize. He stepped out, reaching out to touch the seal. Engrossed with the seal, he didn't notice the dark creature that the adventurer was turning into.

Zhongli wanted to touch it but he hesitated. His fingertips were only a few inches from the surface of the barrier... and then someone shoved him forwards. The moment he made contact, he felt a surge of energy flow from himself into the seal. It glowed bright for a split second and shattered. He heard a loud, low laughter which immediately made him remember where he was. Zhongli tried to resist it but in the end, he was sucked into the lair of Azhdaha.


Childe arrived shortly after, looking out of breath and exhausted. The mark was glowing brighter more than ever and he was anxious to find Zhongli. Looking around, it didn't seem like he could go forwards any further. There was a rather steep cliff behind the huge tree. Tartaglia felt like it was the right place but he didn't see Zhongli or the adventurer anywhere.

He looked around for a couple of minutes and immediately came across the hole in the floor that led into darkness. Tartaglia could feel the pure energy coming from within and the ground started rumbling. There was the faint and muffled sound of crashing and roaring and Childe knew immediately he had to go in there. Tartaglia didn't know what was in there but he knew that he was willing to take the risk for Zhongli.

He tried to be careful but the rushing air overpowered him. Tartaglia didn't know how there was such a powerful suction force from underground but he didn't think too much about it. He was too busy falling and tumbling down the hole.

Can't Stop Loving You | Childe x Zhongli | Genshin Impact [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon