Arc 3: Chapter 34: Scaramouche

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Tartaglia was starting to panic. What he wished to find could not be found. The pillar rose to the sky, yes, but what he seeked was not here. All that there was around was some stupid domain adventurers and travelers would challenge. Not the stupid dragon core thing he was told to find and bring back. He was furious.

Childe decided he'd look around the cave more. There had to be something around, right? They hadn't gone all this way to find it. Not to mention how Scaramouche probably had the upper hand now because clearly he hadn't targeted the peak of the mountain.

If Scaramouche found it before he did, he was doomed. Tartaglia wasn't interested in dying. He also had to consider his family as well. What would the fatui do to them after he was gone?

Naturally, he came up with nothing despite scanning the cave thoroughly. Childe even went to the point to search around the entrance area. Maybe there was a secret passage? A secret mechanism? There had to be something. Anything.

"How useless can you get, idiot?"


Zhongli woke up after a couple of hours, squinting slightly as he tried to get his vision to focus. His still felt groggy and sleepy but something told him he had to get up. He found himself alone at the camp with no sign of Tartaglia around.

Well, he couldn't say he hadn't expected it. Yet it still hurt. There was no anger. Just a lot of sadness.

Zhongli got up, clutching onto the red scarf around his neck unconsciously. It seemed Childe hadn't taken that away from him. The Ex Archon took that as a sign that the one he loved hadn't abandoned him. Honestly, he was grasping at anything that could give him hope. He picked up his spear and decided he'd go looking for Tartaglia. Maybe he was still around. Maybe he needed help. The young, curious man loved going around causing trouble after all.

There was still no sign of Tartaglia in sight. Not even footprints. The snow had covered it all up. Zhongli was losing hope up until—

"I would suggest watching your move if you'd like your little boyfriend's head to remain where it was." An icy cold and malicious voice drawled.

He spun around and spotted a purple head with an abnormally large hat pressing a dagger against Tartaglia's throat. Childe was on his fours, his hands and legs chained together. There was even a collar and a muzzle placed on him. Childe did not look happy but Zhongli's expression was definitely much darker. The sight made him extremely furious. No one was allowed to do that to him.

Yet he could not do anything. Not if he wanted Tartaglia alive. He tried to make eye contact but Childe kept looking away.

"Good. Very good." Scaramouche smirked and turned down to look at Tartaglia. "Left? Him? Leaving? Oh he wouldn't. I knew it. After everything, how could he possibly leave you? You stinky liar. '' Tartaglia glared back at him. Scaramouche did not appreciate it and swung his leg at Tartaglia's face, kicking him so hard that Childe was knocked off his crawling position.

Zhongli growled softly, stepping forwards but Scaramouche easily pointed a dagger at Childe's heart. Zhongli stopped abruptly, his angered expression mixed with fear.

Seeing that he had stopped, Scaramouche burst out laughing. "Growling huh. Seems like we'll need another muzzle around here, filthy dog. Drop your weapon. Kick it away. One wrong move and maybe you'd get his heart. "

Zhongli didn't have much of a choice. Reluctantly, he did as he was told. "Just don't hurt him."

"Mmhm, mhm. Whatever. Chain him."

A fatui went over to Zhongli and used some sort of chain to tie his hands together. The moment they were secure, Zhongli felt all elemental power within him disappear. Probably one of the Fatui's inventions. Now he was truly just a mortal.

Scaramouche smiled throughout the whole process and suddenly burst out in a maniacal laughter. "AMAZING!" With his other hand, he sent out bursts of electricity. Tartaglia bit his bottom to stop himself from screaming in pain. He wasn't going to let Scaramouche have the satisfaction.

But the purple head was merciless. He increased the intensity with each blast to the point Childe couldn't take it any more. He let out a shrill scream, curling up into a ball in hopes it would make it feel better. He could barely hear Zhongli's cries in the background. Even then Scaramouche was unsatisfied. He kept electrocuting him until he couldn't even scream anymore. Childe could barely control his body anymore. His vision was blurry yet his body refused to let him pass out. He laid on the frozen grass, his body twitching and his mouth open in a silent scream.

He could see Zhongli's figure a distance away and a tear slid down his cheeks. He barely mouthed out the word 'help' before Scaramouche hit him with another blast of electricity.

Zhongli was in agony, watching the scene unfold before him, helpless and unable to interfere.

His chest tightened when he saw Tartaglia's silent plea for help. Unfortunately, Scaramouche seemed to have spotted it too.

"Help? Hahahahaha. Maybe he can. He can share the pain." Scaramouche laughed. Sending a blast of electricity at Zhongli. He hissed in pain, collapsing onto his knees by the sudden pain.

Scaramouche wouldn't stop, drunk by the power and the fun of torturing the two.


When he was finally bored, he had his subordinates throw the two into a cage made out of more of the material that kept either of them using any sort of power. Scaramouche made sure to put them away from any sort of warmth. He wanted them to suffer as much as possible. He wanted to separate the two but there was only one cage. He threw a tantrum but in the end the two were placed together.

Tartaglia couldn't really move while Zhongli could only barely move. Zhongli still scooted over slowly, readjusting himself so his arms were no longer tied behind his back. He took off the muzzle off Tartaglia but that was the most he could do.

Yet Tartaglia made a weak move to shove Zhongli away, his eyes looking at him angrily and sadly.

"Don't fucking touch me."

A/N how many of y'all actually noticed they were heading in the wrong direction from the very beginning? :P Bet y'all didn't.
Also, I see y'all suffering in the comments and I would like to say that things are still going to be very very painful. Get ready the tissues, popcorns and get ready to enjoy the massive serving of cold, miserable and tragic angst. :))))))))) (dw they'll get back together eventually 😌😌😌)

Can't Stop Loving You | Childe x Zhongli | Genshin Impact [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora