Arc 4: Chapter 46: Splitting up

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Childe knocked the man out but the damage was done. Zhongli knew of his evil deeds in the past.

Tartaglia paused at the question, desperately trying to come up with something that didn't sound so bad. It was true, he was the one that had killed many Liyue people.

Looking at his guilty expression, Zhongli couldn't help but feel hurt. "So it's true." He said, the memory of finding it out in the past became a little clearer. Tartaglia didn't deny it. The Geo Archon couldn't believe that his only friend was like that. And to think he thought he was falling in love with him... "Why?" He asked.

"Why?" Tartaglia repeated, as if the question horrified him even more. He couldn't explain. It was simply too complicated. Besides, what was he supposed to say? 'Oh you broke my heart and some Liyue merchant killed my little brother so I decided to take revenge by killing them and more.'? It sounded stupid, and it definitely didn't sound justified. It just made Tartaglia sound even more petty and just an overall asshole. He remained silent, unable to meet Zhongli's eyes.

Seeing the way Childe remained quiet, Zhongli's sadness turned into anger. He didn't know what the reason was but since Tartaglia wasn't willing to share it with him, it was safe to assume the reason wasn't a good one. The Geo Archon should end him right there and then, to punish him for the things he had done to his people. Yet he just couldn't bring himself to do it. The fact that he hadn't done it in the past meant something.

"I think it's for the best if you leave us. We will talk more when we are back in Liyue." Zhongli said firmly, letting go of Tartaglia and turning away.

"... What?"

"I said, leave." Zhongli said again, much louder as he walked over to the Adventurer and made sure he was okay.

"Wait but—"

"Leave. Now. I don't want to see your face." He said harshly, turning back and glaring at him. Zhongli's eyes glowed dangerously at him. Childe could feel the anger... the danger and he scampered off. There was no point staying anyway. He knew better than to disobey an angry god.


Childe wasn't too far from Liyue and he made it there within just outside of thirty six hours with a couple short breaks here and there. No supplies, no food, no water, Tartaglia knew that if he was to try to follow them, it would not go well. He decided to change his tactic a little and figure out who the hell Yong An was.

Thinking back, it was possible that Yong An was simply looking for clues that would help with the mission but there was no way Tartaglia was giving him the benefit of doubt. He headed to the Adventurer's Guild and spoke to a couple of adventurers, hoping they would provide him with some useful information.

"Yong An? Hm.. no. Is he a newbie?"

"I don't think so, I only know Yong Yu."

"I've never heard of this person before."

Childe was starting to get a little confused. Why did no one recognize the name? Tartaglia clearly saw him standing at the Adventurer's Guild notice board. It was where he met him after all.

He was starting to feel a little afraid when not even Lan or the Adventurers tasked with recruiting did not recognize him. Just who did Tartaglia leave Zhongli with?

Finally, he decided he'd ask Katheryne directly. She never gave him too much useful information because he wasn't an official member but it was worth a shot.

"Hey, ah, Katheryne, do you know anyone named Yong An in the Adventurer's Guild?"

She frowned slightly and shook her head shortly after thinking about it. "No, there is no one named Yong An within the Adventurer's Guild in Liyue. "

"What? Are you sure?"


Tartaglia was shocked but kept his composure. Maybe a very new Adventurer that hadn't been registered into the system yet. "How about the mission in west Liyue? About monsters becoming rowdy and aggressive?"

Katheryne frowned again. "There is no such mission. Would you like to put that in as a commission?"

Childe paled. How was that possible? Yong An even had the commission slip... but then again, Yong An didn't even seem to exist in the Adventurer's Guild. "How is that possible? Are you very, very sure?"

"Positive. There are a few commissions related to west Liyue but none about monsters in the area behaving strangely."

"Okay... Thank you, Katheryne."

He dashed off before she could even reply to him. Tartaglia had to find Zhongli as soon as possible. He shouldn't even have left in the first place. Now he was being led to god knows where by a person that no one knew. Heck, Yong An could possibly even be a monster himself.

Childe grabbed some supplies and headed back into the wild. He had wasted no time in rushing back out, to where he knew they were last at. As expected, the campsite was empty. Neither of them around and the only sign that they had been around were the flattened grass and slightly charred ground. Although expected, it made Childe even more worried. The time he had spent travelling to Liyue and back was probably enough for those two to travel a long distance. What was Tartaglia supposed to do? He couldn't just search the entire east region of Liyue.

He was going to panic, up until he noticed his hand glowing—No—his mark glowing. Tartaglia frowned, slipping off his glove. How was this supposed to work?

Then he realized it seemed to glow brighter in a certain direction— The direction Zhongli was!

Tartaglia kissed the mark, feeling happier than ever to have it. He didn't know how it suddenly chose to act like a compass but he was happy it was working.

Can't Stop Loving You | Childe x Zhongli | Genshin Impact [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now