Chapter Thirty

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I feel a tap on my shoulder. I mutter in annoyance and turn over to my side. I just wanted to be left the fuck alone, so I could continue my slumber. Not even thirty seconds later, I feel a hand gently squeezing my arm. This time, though, I also hear my name being called.

Wait a minute... who was that? I live by myself... and I hadn't had a sleepover at the crib in a good while. I shouldn't hear anybody's voice except maybe God, or some shit like that. I damn sure shouldn't be feeling anyone's hands on me. My eyes flew open, revealing an unfamiliar environment. I rub my eyes to make sure I'm actually seeing what I am seeing. First of all, I was looking at a roof of a car. What the fuck was I doing in a car? I mean, it's nice and everything, but I don't know whose this is. I let my eyes roam to the dashboard. I didn't see a steering wheel, either. So... that means I'm in the passengers' seat. I could also see that the interior lights were shining bright in the car. But outside of the car, there was nothing but darkness. What the fuck is going on?!

"Wakey, wakey." I hear that familiar voice call out. A few seconds later, my eyes finally land on the other person in the car— Gloria. She beamed, apparently excited to see me. "Good morning." she greeted.
"Hey." I responded, in a gravelly voice. "What time is it?"
She checks her wristwatch. "It's 5:28. You hungry?"
I had a more important question to ask.
"Why are we in the middle of nowhere at 5:28 in the morning?"
She giggled. "We're not in the middle of nowhere. We're in Burne. We're like twenty minutes out the city."
Now, I couldn't remember every last thing that happened yesterday, but I do recall being on the road for a hella long time. The only way we could've been in Burne is if we were trying to make our way back home. But I don't remember coming back this way. I furrowed a brow. "That can't be. We were on the interstate for like an hour straight."
"Yeah, we rode for a lil' while. When you realized we were only riding around, we were coming up on Havelton. We stopped for milkshakes."
"In Havelton?"
"Uh-huh. Remember when we started talking about movies and you wanted to go into a drive in theatre?"
"Well, you mentioned it on our way back home. Of course, there aren't any around here, so I just pulled up to a random lot and pulled out the iPad. We must've fallen asleep during the movie."
I chuckled. "Not us having sugar crashes at our big age."
"Right? But anyway... when I opened Google, the geo-tag said Burne."
"Oh, okay." I say, while trying to move my hand around the side of my seat. I was trying to bring my seat back up. Gloria, noticing this, reaches over me and presses the button I needed, to help me sit up.
"When did you wake up?" I ask her.
"I got up a few minutes before you did. I was shocked that we didn't make it back, too. I can't say I'm too sad about it."
I blush, but say nothing. "You up for some breakfast?" she asks me again. I wasn't really hungry, but I knew I had to get something in my system. Again, I was trying to get better at eating three meals a day. So I shrug. "I could go for a lil' piece of waffle."
"Waffles, eh? Waffle House it is."
"Sounds like a plan. We can grab something from there and be on our way."
"You don't wanna eat in?" she asks me.
"You want to?" I questioned, in disbelief. "You wanna do all that in last night's outfit?"
Gloria thinks for a second. "Well, if you wanna get all technical with it, we've probably only had our outfits on for not even twelve hours. So it's not too crazy." she reasoned.
The girl has a valid point, so I finally said 'okay', and we pulled off.

A short while later, we made our way back into the city. Gloria had turned off the exit, and now we could  see the Waffle House. I glanced at the parking lot to see just a few cars out there. Good, we'll be in and out in no time. When we actually walked into the restaurant, I started to feel nervous about going in. I mean, I was in the same clothes as last night for God's sake. This was so unlike me! So was staying out all night with strangers! What is happening to me?!
As bare as the parking lot seemed, the restaurant sure was full. Most of the people in there were in some going-out clothes, too. Then I remember what I've been told about Waffle House. It was known as a place where drunk folks congregate after a night of partying. So, there was a good chance that most of the patrons in there came in groups of 4 or more. I figured the party crowd would be gone by now, though. I mean, it was nearing six o' clock. I was a bit concerned that there would be a long wait time, but Gloria had assured me that this Waffle House typically got their customers in and out in almost no time. "Believe me, if they weren't quick, I would've never brought you here."

We pick a booth at the very back of the restaurant, away from the crowd. "Um... while we're here, I thought we could jump back into the game from last night." Gloria suggests.
I didn't really know if that was such a good idea. I'm still trying to wake up, and she wants to ask me questions and shit. She seemed to be really into the idea. She was hella energetic for somebody that just woke up a short while ago. I decided to go along with her idea, though. Besides, it would be a good way to kill time as we waited on our food.
"Let's do it." I say.
"Okay, so....what's your story?" she asks me.
"My story?" I repeat, with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah... you know... you're very intriguing to me. I've never met anybody quite like you."
I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Every last girl I ever messed around with has said that same exact thing to me. It was giving me deja vu. Good thing I'm keeping shit platonic with Gloria. Otherwise, I'd be downright convinced that this relationship would end horribly.
"I kind of want to just get into your head. I wanna know what makes you the woman you are, today." she explains.
While I thought Gloria was cool as hell, I wasn't so sure I wanted to get into my deepest, darkest secrets. I wasn't sure I wanted to take a chance on sharing this stuff with somebody else and having them throw it in my face.
Suddenly, I remembered one big thing that happened yesterday— the breakdown. She witnessed me freaking out, yesterday. As far as I was concerned, the worst was behind us, already. I would rather have just told her all my business before having her witness me being crazy within the first few hours of meeting me. She already has something to throw in my face. At least if shit goes south with her and she pulls some bullshit, I'm expecting it.

I guess I'd been in my head for too long. Suddenly, Gloria begins to speak again. "Is that too personal?" she asks, with a concerned expression. "You don't have tell me, if you don't want to."
"No, it's fine. We ain't got all day, so I'll give you the short version." I tell her.
And so I did.
As it turns out, the shortened version was just as horrifying as the long version. When our food came, she could barely touch it. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Eat something." I advise, failing to conceal my smile. I already knew that I was being a hypocrite, but it wasn't a really big deal. After all, I was eating my food. But she still stares dead at me with some strange expression.
"Uh.... you okay?"
Only now did Gloria say anything. "I should be asking you that..."
I chuckle. "Look, I have my days. But I am seeing somebody. So, I'm fine. Mostly."
"Well, if you're ever looking to talk to somebody else, I'm happy to lend an ear, too." Gloria offers, reaching for my free hand. I blush. "I appreciate that. Now quit looking at me like a sad puppy. You're kind of stressing me out."

True to Gloria's word, we were out of the restaurant in seemingly no time. Now, we were just pulling up to the first restaurant we met at, right next to my car.
Neither of us said anything for like thirty seconds, there was just a bunch of staring. But I couldn't stop thinking about what she'd said at the Waffle House. She said as long as I'm with her, I'd never have to touch my wallet again. I think we both know that I'm not somebody who just lets other people do stuff like that for me, especially after the little power struggle we had when the check came. She won, solely because she distracted me by kissing me on the hand. The score was two to zero, in her favor. But she cheated, so it's more like one to zero, still in her favor. It kind of bothered me, but it wasn't enough to ruin the day, or anything.
She finally speaks. "I had a good time with you."
"I had a good time, too. It's been a while since I've been able to say that." I admit. "I kind of hate that it has to end."
Well, that was only partly true. I wanted to be with myself to gather all my feelings about what went on. But I was going back to essentially nothing. It was a bit depressing.
"Me, too." she agreed. "If I didn't have to be at work, I probably would have asked you out for lunch. But... I can still call you, if that's okay."
I rose a brow. "Wait... you have to be at work today? And you stayed out all night? Girl, you crazy as hell."

She looked at the clock. "I know, but it was all worth it. Now I have an hour and thirty seven minutes to get to work and I live twenty minutes away." she complains. I giggle. "You'll make it in time, I know you will."
"Let us pray." she says.
"Alright, let me get out so you can get on your way. Bye, Gloria."
"Bye. Let me know you got back safe, okay?"
"Alright. I'll do that." I say, just before opening the door and exiting the car. She stayed put, watching me, even as I pull off. I waved at her just before doing so, and make my way back to the crib.

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Micki Wall, Troublemaker (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now