Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The opening notes of You by Valasia Gutec played. I try to focus on the instrumental, as I was hearing all kinds of things that made it a bit hard to do so. We were flying down the interstate with the windows open, but I wouldn't let that ruin my experience. "This is my shit!" I scream, probably catching Gloria off guard. I didn't mean to get all excited, but it's true. Gloria, being the angel that she is, turned the song all the way up, after guessing that I'd probably sing along.

When the bass came through, my mouth dropped wide open. This stereo system was excellent. If my eyes were closed, I would've sworn I was actually in front of Valasia at some concert. Just a few seconds later, I hear the cue to start singing.
I sang like I was going to be offered a record deal, making sure to at least attempt to hit every last note. Did I sound a fucking fool? Yes. Did I have a blast? Also yes. But what made it even more fun was the fact that Gloria started singing as soon as I did. We grin at each other as we sang along. Eventually, I shush her 'cause we were coming up on the part of the song where there was an actual duet situation going on. "You know I want youuuuu!" I screech along, pointing at Gloria, so she'd know to sing the next line. "You know you want tooooooo." she sang.
"To be my booooooo!"
"You know it's truuuuuuueee!"
We both sang the very last line together and immediately fell into a fit of giggles.
"I know we would kill at Karaoke Night." I say, excitedly.
"Literally. You're gonna make everyone's ears bleed. They'll die of blood loss, messing around with you." Gloria joked. I smacked my teeth. "You ain't no Beyoncé, yourself." I retorted. She might've sounded better than me, but it wasn't by much. In fact, her voice had given me a headache. I probably couldn't put all the blame on her wannabe Mariah Carey ass, though. I'm sure that screaming my head off with a tight ass high bun with loud music playing had a lot more do with it. For a second I considered asking Gloria if she had any aspirin on her, but I figured I probably couldn't take it, considering I'd been drinking not too long ago. Gloria had turned the music back down to talk to me some more, so I didn't have to worry about that anymore. I did the next best thing— taking down my bun. I didn't really love the idea of taking it down in Gloria's presence, but I needed some relief right now. "I hope you don't mind me taking down my hair, real quick."
"No, it's cool." she says. Then after a minute or so of silence, she begins talking again. "It's so nice to meet somebody who likes the same music I do, finally." Gloria vents. "What do you mean? Everyone loves Valasia." I say in jest. Of course, I knew there was no single artist that everyone liked, but it was rare to come across anyone who openly admitted that they weren't fans of her.
She shrugs her shoulders, like she was confused that people disliked her music. "I don't get it, either. But anyways..."
"Wait a minute. You can't just tell me someone doesn't like Valasia and then move on, like shit is sweet. I need to hear more." I demand.
She chuckles. "My roommate thinks she is overrated. Refuses to listen to anything of hers, new or old."
By this time, my hair was free, blowing in the wind. I couldn't even enjoy being a bad bitch, all 'cause Gloria was telling me about her roommate.
"The funny part is Nic is the one that put me onto her."
I furrowed a brow. "Huh?"
"Yeah, we were listening to an old playlist and Lifted came on."
"Yeah, Lifted is pretty old. He must've liked her in the very beginning."
"She. Nic's a girl. You should've seen how quick she changed the song. I ended up finding it on my own and been a fan of Valasia ever since."
I smack my teeth. "Somebody oughta strap Nic down and force her to listen to every last album until she admits that she's still apart of the Vlubhouse." I say, rubbing my hands together like any cartoon villain. The Vlubhouse is what Valasia called her fan base.
We both laugh, knowing that I'm obviously joking... well, mostly.
"Aside from her taste in music, Nic really is cool. I was hoping I'd get to introduce y'all, tonight."
"Oh, she was at the thing?" I asked, surprised. The way she speaks about the roommate let me know they have an excellent relationship. They probably speak to each other every time they see one another. The fact that I didn't see that, piqued my interest. What was really going on with those two?

Micki Wall, Troublemaker (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now