arrogant or pretend

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Next day
It was math papaer, purvi's fav subject she luvs it, but kavin hate it
(As purvi was abt to enter the exam Hall)
Boy:hey purvi... Are u here?
Purvi:hello dushyant... Yeah I'm here.... Are u in the same centre
Dush:ya.. Bust I hve not noticed u yesterday
Purvi:even not I.. By the way how was ur yesterday exam
Dush:good... But sure ur was best, afterall u r gng to top again
Purvi:hope so..!! Any way bye dush c u later..

Exam stated and everyone ws bsy
It was just half an hour to finish and examiner went to drink tea
Boy:hi purvi help me na... Or else I'll fail
Purvi:Jay instead of begging before me u would hve studied
Jay:yarr plz help na
She helped many students and it was just 1mins before end of exams
Boy:can u he... Help me pu.... Purvi..... (Asked hesistengly)
Purvi:tell qustion nmbr
(Purvi ansred and help kavin)
Kavin:tnku .... Are we frnds now??
Purvi:mind ur own business.... Ur wrk is done now forget it...
Days passed and a day before last exam
Boy1:wht r u tnking bro..??
Boy 2:ntng special
Boy1:come on kavin we r bestfrnds u can't lie me
Kavin:yarr dush, I met a girl she is vry strange
Dush:y wht happned
Kavin:she is very arrogant... But.,
Dush:but what..
Kavin:but whenever someone needs help she help thm quickly
Kavin:vry strange... I feel as she is not the way as she pretend
Dush:hmm... Do u like her..??
Kavin:come on yarr.... U knw na I don't like arrogant guys..
Dush:thn u r u thinking much abt her...
Dush:by the way whts her name
Dush:o purvi u r talking abt her.... I knw her yarr...!!
Kavin:how do u knw her..??
Dush:I nd purvi hve studied 2 yrs together but after tht she left school
Kavin:wasn't she strange thn...??
Dush:yeah... A kind of.... But I was not so close to her.,..... But she is sweet hearted never hurt anyone.....
On the day of last exam... Exams completed... Purvi was about to go
Kavin:purv it was great time with u
Purvi:I hope I would have said same 2 u kavin
Kavin: ufffffssss ur attitude.... Not today... I knw u r not the way as u pretend..
Purvi:what.... Realllly.......
Kavin:as I tnk abt......
Purvi:do hell with ur thnking(saying this she left)
(So guys can u guess why purvi is so strange...thnk and comment ur ans...)

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