Chapter 14

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9:00am, lunchbreak.

it's lunch break, so we got the time to relax our minds, and even eat today, Irene's with me right now, and we're sitting on the seats in the cafeteria, and Irene's taking bites of her burger, while i'm scrolling through my phone.

but then i received a message from my bestfriend, Namjoon.

Namjoon: hiii Y/n!! how have u been doing?

Y/n: i'm good, Joon, how about you?

Namjoon was my very bestfriend, and we've been close since we were in Kindergarten, and all the way to Junior High, but he had to leave Korea and migrate to another country, prolly to continue his Senior High school years, at first it was hard because he was not with me anymore, but we still talk through the internet.

Namjoon: i'm doing good too, Y/n!! but guess what?

he sounds excited today, huh? and now i'm getting curious why.

Y/n: yes?

Namjoon: i'm coming back in Korea in less than 2 days!!!

i got shocked and widen my eyes, omg, he's coming back! i mumbled in excitement, while Irnee looked at me with a weird facial expression, i ignored her.


Namjoon: yesss Y/n! and i'm so excited to meet up with you again!!

Y/n: same to me Joon! i can't wait to see you again!!

Namjoon: i really missed you so much my Y/n, can't wait to see you soon in less than 2 days! i'm gonna tell you the exact date when i'm coming back

Y/n: okay joon!!!

i said in excitement, while Irene looked at me with a curios look while she wiped the ketchup from the side of her lips, she asked

"hey Y/n, why are you so happy all of a sudden?" she asked with curiosity.

"my boy bestfriend, Joon, is coming back to Korea in less than 2 days!!" i said in excitement!

"wait, is it that guy who u used to talk about with me?" she smiled.

"yess! and i can't believe he's coming back!"

"oh myy!! i'm so happyy for youu!!" she opened a hug for me, and i hugged her tightly, then we soon let go.

Joon, i can't wait to see you again!!!

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