Chapter Thirty-five - Back Underground

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"No, he had some stuff to do." Helen lied smoothly.

The guard chuckled. "Always so mysterious, you two."

He didn't even pay attention to me. We walked towards the huge doors, he opened them, and we continued walking through the hallways. Suddenly Helen turned around.

"Thank you, Jason, I know the way. Can you take sweet Regina here to a room? An empty one, please. I don't think she'd appreciate company right now."

The guard sighed, but nodded, and gestured I had to walk with him. He didn't talk to me - he just ignored me, as if I wasn't worthy of his attention.


Because I was bored, I decided to quickly check if there were any restless spirits in this building. I didn't have much else to do anyway.

It all went much easier than before and I quickly saw the spirit dust appear - and there were restless spirits. Many. Only in this hallway, there were four. They were screaming, swearing, crying, or just staring at a wall, as if they were completely insane. I stopped walking and just looked at them, stunned. Had so many people died here?

Well, of course. Mickael wasn't know for his friendly character or nice actions. The restless spirits here were those of the people he had tortured and killed, still longing for revenge or justice.

"Come on, we don't have all day." The guard, Jason, grumpily said.

I blinked a few times - the spirits disappeared from sight, but not from mind - and I quickly followed him. He went around the corner and stopped at a door. He gestured at it, and when I didn't react, he sighed and opened it for me. I walked in and he slammed the door shut. I was alone.

This mansion was a maze of hallways and doors. I would need a map to find my way properly. If I wanted to stay.

The room was big. It was a bedroom, with a separate, small bathroom attached to it. The double bed was made out of dark wood and the sheets were black as the night's sky when there were no stars. It looked very old-fashioned. There was twilight lamp on the nightstand on the right - on the nightstand on the left stood a crystal flagon, filled with clear water, and a glass. So this room was made for a human - vampires weren't exactly known for their appetite for water.

Against one wall stood a huge bookshelf filled with ancient books which would probably turn to dust when you looked at them too much. A desk stood next to it - a modern one, with some ballpoints and a notebook on it. It looked a bit out of place. The door to the bathroom was open and I could see a nice, average-sized bath, a toilet and a sink, very clean and white. There were even some rubber ducks. Why on earth were there rubber ducks here...?

I decided not to think about it too much and just sat down on the bed. It was soft and normally I would enthusiastically start jumping on it, but now I didn't feel like it.

I couldn't go back - I was too ashamed. I didn't want to deal with what I had done, I just wanted to forget it. How could I have done such a thing? Had I changed so much? It was the fault of Helen, no, of my powers, or... Of me. My own fault. As much as I hated to admit it, these were my own actions.

Maybe I could just stay here until things had calmed down back home... Until I was ready to face it.

Though I felt as if I would never be ready to face it. I pushed my face in the gigantic, soft pillows to stop my tears. Crying wouldn't get me anywhere.

I could stay here. Right? I would just avoid Mickael as much as I could, read a bit, practice my powers, and then go back to fight the uprising with my sisters. Or... sister. Jessica was still at Lily's. Maybe she would return in time to help us. I would feel better if she was with us. I missed her.

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