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I want to Be Reckless!

To abandon things that keep me safe.

I did it once then again maybe I did Thrice.

First, was when I decided to learn how to ride a bike.
The second one was trying a bungee jump and the last one would be taking the risk for a scholarship grant 5000 miles away from Mom.

It has always been two of us, without knowing who my father never made incomplete. The vague truth that she tells is adequate for me but now I wish I had one who might be like Bryan Mills in the Taken Movie who has a specific set of skills to track me down or I maybe my Parents could be Mr. and Mrs. Collingwood of the Last House on the Left Movie that has the determination and ability to bring vengeance to those who wronged their daughter but then it's just a wishful imagination getting the best out of me.

At such moments, I truly dared to be impetuous and simply attempt to escape, but since I didn't know the area well and had no resources, I would either perish in these woods or be discovered again, and who knows what atrocities he would commit.

I stopped chewing my fingernails—I always do this when I'm stressed—and once again sat on the side of the bed, lost in my thoughts.

It should be my right to decide how, when, and where the staff enters and exits. In addition, he mentioned the Guru, which makes me almost pass out. I don't need some Sex Education to tease me, even though I'm not hands-on.

My spine tingles just thinking about that. However, I have no idea what that dickhead is fed.
I'm quite confident in my sexuality, but for some, she might be a wet dream.

She stood in my way and looked at me from the top-bottom but I skillfully averted my eyes away and took my step the other way away from her but she tugged my hand and then start to stick her tongue out just a little bit and then use it to softly massage and caress my hand like hot iron on my skin, I jerked my hand away.

Ewwwwwwww! cringe. cringe. cringe. 

And I couldn't be more mortified at how her saliva is still on my hand which she deliberately does and I swatch it over my dress and gave her a distasteful look. She responded by licking her supposed dry lips and scowling. I shudder thinking of the event earlier.

Everything is sleek, black, minimalist, and contemporary.
His Style. His room is huge and is three times bigger than my home. Huge bathroom, a walk-in closet, and he even have a living room inside. Who does that?  Of course, the psycho maniac does.

A Massive Wall tv that's as tall as me flaunts its quirk and I remember wishing for one like this for Binge watching documentaries. The agony I have to endure using a small screen but that memories made me blink my eyes now and then just to suppress my pending tears.

I feel homesick. I am Homesick.

I wanted to look for the remote but suddenly it just turned on. I thought the news could be shown but it was like instruction on a PowerPoint presentation of what I shall wear, what do to with my hair, what time for dinner, and how to care for the ink in my body. He even had the photo of the dress inserted which leaves no room for imagination on the upward part.

I just want to sleep and not follow him but someone opened the door and almost startled me.
It was one of his henchmen but I have not seen him before.

" you have 15 minutes to prepare until I escort you to the boss", he says with intimidation and closed the room.

I didn't hesitate to go straight to the closet and locate the dress, which was waiting for me there on the sofa along with the matching sandals. How tastefully the clothes, shoes, and other accessories are arranged had me spellbound. You would imagine that this is a safe haven of garments and suits kept within.

I can see its fingerprint locked as well as all the fancy accessories on the peek-a-boo table drawers in contrast to his was my supposed corner which I can see is expensive and cheeky looking. Like I'm a doll to be dressed up
There is no time to twaddle on that so I hurriedly change to that dress and prepared myself that by the time my escort came I'm done.

He did not dare to look at me as he can see I don't have any underwear on since the dick won't let me but guided me to the dining table which is adorned romantically as if I'm a willing girlfriend that makes me want to flip the table out only if I can do so.

He's already there, waiting for me with a smile that could kill a woman. He leads me to my seat across from him, but not before planting a firm kiss on my lips.
He gives me a couple tongue-less kisses before gently stroking his tongue against my lips as if to tell me to push it in farther since his tongue is itching to go in.
He stops, compliments the dress, and squeezes both of my breasts, making me blush crimson with embarrassment and frustration. I turn my attention to the supper, and everything looks fresh, green, and fit for a three-star establishment.

I gasped when he quickly pinched both of my nipples, and he kissed me deeply while running his tongue over my lips. I'm not interested in kissing him back or using my tongue because that would be too personal, but I slipped and he caught up, sticking my tongue like a suction cup. I sobbed at the pain, so I pushed him as hard as I could but he wouldn't come. Then, I felt like my tongue was being stretched out, so he grabbed my ass and gave them a hard slap. When he was finished, he motioned for us to eat.

"eat up my dear or do you want something else?" He responded. Even though I reluctantly took what appeared to be meat, I was intrigued to find that it wasn't. More akin to an organic meat replacement in food.

" as you can see I'm Vegan for years now," he says and I almost choke out the food but I just nod at him.

I should have known that a body like his could only be achieved with no fast food or gluten or sugar on the menu. I love salads but I think I cant live with some protein coming from meat.

As he studied me closely and munched his leaves as if they were some sort of heaven, he continued, "It was hard at first but then I realize a lot of benefits in eating purely organic foods and vegetables so I stick with it. I hate sweet things, food processed products, and most of all fast food."

Abducting me, bombing innocent people, inked my body, no freedom of choice, a sex slave of his and now changing my food preference in just a snap. I grip the fork with much irritation and anger I have. I want to shove it in his ass with the meat-free viand.

I would sooner die than be here with him, I can't take it any longer. I aimed the knife at my lungs because I knew he was close to carrying a pistol and I couldn't surprise him with an attack. I have the perfect amount of pressure to puncture.

The tension in the room increased as the air grew heavy. I was so bold as to offer him a drink of wine to round off his dinner before getting up to approach me. There is no expression on his face, and I'm not sure what will happen next.

I'm hesitant to end my own life, even though I wanted to.

A chef entered the room pushing a food cart, and he placed it five steps away from me as if nothing strange was happening.

He said, "Open it up my dear, it's another gift for you," but I know a storm is building inside of him and I'm going to end up in a piece of shit.

I don't want to open the dark box with a huge red ribbon on top of it.
" I won't......  Obey you". I cry out.

 that is all I muster up, "get away from me. I swear...    I will kill myself". 

I try to intimidate him.

He exclaimed explosively.
He laughed derangedly.
My body convulses in a fresh dread and shock as I drop the knife and shake my head in amazement at the scene before me. "If you kill yourself, my dear, it would be a waste," he said, walking to the cart and dramatically opening the lid just enough for me to see what's within.

I can tell whose head it is right away. It doesn't seem unfamiliar to me, therefore I'm positive.

My grief over a close friend's passing won't go away.

It was head of  Becky in a golden platter freshly sliced off from the body with blood dripping down.

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