Taste Of Solitude

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What if I die tonight?

Peoples' life is truly temporary. One day we are having fun, working hard, dreaming or crying, then the next thing we know is we're dead.

We could die on different ways, it could be in a broad daylight and then you're suddenly hit by a truck, or when your body is already tired of fighting for a disease you never wished to have or it could be done when you are asleep. Or worst, because you can't take it anymore.

You never know that your laugh now, will be your last sign of happiness, your tears now may never drop again tomorrow, your time now may not be wasted ever again.

You didn't know that was the last hug you gave to your mom, that was the last words you shouted to your sister or the last joke you tell to your friends.

Because in anytime of the day, we can lose ourselves and never be able to live for that life again.

And that's what happened to me...

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