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Plastering the fakest smile on my face, I fidget with my fingers while staring out at the cheering crowds of the Capitol. Lights were flashing rapidly as photographers took photos of me. My ears rang as my 'fans' yelled for my attention. The air reeked of odd Capitol perfumes and scents, it was hard to pick out just one scent. It was a mix of what I thought was fruit, flowers, sea salt, and pine. 

It was overwhelming. The smells. The sounds. The sights. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, my smile falters for a second as a random Capitol's song begins to play loudly over the speakers. I wanted to go to bed. I couldn't do this. But, I didn't have a voice in the matter. I had to stay here. 

"Are you scared?" A voice said from behind me.

Jumping from the sound, I go to reach for my knife when I remember that it was no longer there anymore. Letting out a shaky breath, I found my eyes set on the large cheering crowds and camera. I wasn't in the Arena anymore. Turning my head to the side, I was greeted with the presence of a proud President Snow standing there.

Inspecting the man, he had short white hair with a matching beard, perfectly tripped and styled. His eyes were a deep blue, with a glint of something. Respect? Greed? I couldn't decipher what it was. Breaking my stare, I noticed that he was taller than me, but it seemed like everyone I have met so far was taller than me. I reached the base of his shoulders, so it wasn't that drastic thankfully.

"A⎯Yeah⎯just a little President Snow. I'm not used to this many people. My district doesn't have this many people, you know?" I ramble out, tensing up.

"I understand, it can be a little overwhelming for some, but you Miss.Grey are a natural in the spotlight. I can only imagine what it will be like for you years from now. " He said, smiling at me creepily.

Feeling the hairs rise on my arms, I stiffly nodded my head, trying my best to not show my discomfort for his comment. Swallowing down the lump in my throat, I continue to make uncomfortable eye contact with the greying man in fear of him being offended by my rudeness. I didn't want to get on his bad side. I didn't know what he would do to me. To my Mom. Or anyone.

Continuing to smile at me creepily, he makes a sharp turn to his left where a young boy dressed in all white was standing. Picking up a crown from the boy's hands, I watch stiffly as he approaches me, crown in hand. The crown was gold with half of it wrapped around in copper wire, the rest in aluminum. The crown resembled an olive leaf crown similar to the ones that the brides would sometimes wear on their weddings.

"I⎯um⎯yeah⎯Thank you, sir." I stutter out, giving him a meek smile.

"No problem, dear. May I just say, your games were very entertaining to watch. I have never seen someone so young so determined to go home." He said, placing the crown on my head.

FRAGILE GIRL || THE HUNGER GAMES ¹Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang