Monday January 11th, 3 days after 18th Birthday

Start from the beginning

He looks so nervous.

I step close to him.

I understand now.

Why it was so much easier to let Nuka in.

Easier than most of my family.

Being around Nuka is even easier than being around Indy.

Very slowly I reach a hand up towards his check.

I don't touch him, my hand hovers near his check but not quite touching.

He waits, looking deep into my eyes.

Letting me come to him, on my own time.

Not rushing me.

He's never rushed me.

He knew we were Mates months ago.

Since his birthday in October.

But he never said.

He never pushed.

He continued to be my friend.

He let me get used to him.

Get used to his touch.

If he hadn't I would have run from him.

I wouldn't have been able to understand or process this.

I wouldn't have been able to accept it like I can now.

Now, I relish this.

This makes me happy.

I let my fingertips lightly graze along his cheekbone and back into his hair.

It's as soft and silky as it looks.

His eyes close at the feeling of my fingers against his skin.



I'm nearly lost in the feeling of his beautiful hair running through my fingers.

"Iago, can I hug you?"

I'm startled by his question.

Not because I don't want that.

But because he asked at all.


He's so considerate of me.

I look into those warm dark eyes.

He seems nervous.

I nod quickly.

Before I can even think, I'm wrapped in his strong muscular arms and pulled against a very solid chest.

"Thank you, my Little Genius."

I feel his breath against my neck.

Goosebumps appear on my skin.


I understand what Indy meant now.

He's not replacing my family.

He's filling a piece of my soul I didn't know was missing.

I feel his lips against my forehead.

The sigh that escapes me is one of contentment.

Looking up, my gaze lands on his lips.

I've wanted to know what it would be like to kiss him for months now.

I know it's more than just a Mate bond.

But knowing he's my Mate.

It gives me courage.

He's watching me.

I can feel it.

I don't want to shy away.

Not this time.

Instead, I lean up.

Pressing my lips to his.

His arms tighten around me.

His lips press into mine.

Kissing me back.

It's not a long kiss.

But it's perfect.

A throat clears.

We pull apart slightly.

Nuka doesn't let me go.

Archer and Gabe were standing there.

Archer had one hand over Gabe's month.

The other was wrapped around his waist, keeping him from leaping and shouting.

"Well, looks like we can finally stop avoiding taking about you two being Mates. Thank fuck for that."

My checks feel hot.


The blushing.

I just press my face into Nuka's chest, feeling the vibration of his chuckles.

Thank Goddess we're here so early.

So much more staring.

"Little Genius? How about I walk you to class?"

I look up at Nuka's face.

That smile.

I can't help but smile back.

I just nod.

His hand slips into mine and he starts to lead me down the hall.

I can't keep the smile off my face.

If this could become my new normal, I would be ok with that. 

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