Saturday January 16th, 8 days after 18th birthday

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8 Days After 18th Birthday

I'm in the used bookstore.

It's peaceful.

It's beautiful.

I wish I could be here forever.

Books are everywhere.

Bookshelves lined all the walls, came out into the room and even passed over head, making a maze of archways and corridors filled with a variety of books, new and old.

I would get lost here.

If I could.

I would never leave.

Walking along the shelves, I let my fingers run along the spines of the books.

The familiar feel of the spines is comforting.


Before my talk with Indy and Jing on our birthday I would have never admitted how much I wanted this for my future.

I wanted to own my own bookstore.

Something like this, with new and old books, something that felt like a haven but maybe with a little place in the back with comfy places to hide out in and read while you drink coffee or tea from an in-house café.

Maybe even have pastries.

I want to make a true haven for people like me.

When I told my guidance counselor, they asked me if I really wanted to waste all my potential at a small business. They asked why I didn't have bigger plans for my life like Indy. I never told anyone my dreams after that.

But now....

Now, I'm coming up with a plan.

A plan to make my dream come true.

One part, college.

For literature and business.

The other part is harder.

It's why I'm here.

When I told Indy my plan, he pointed out that I can't run a bookstore or be a boss if I can't talk to people. Dad says the best owners have experience at the bottom.

He started that way.

Washed dishes to pay for culinary school.

Worked as a prep cook after.

He worked his way up.

Learning the ropes, he said.

Better to understand the business.

He made Mercutio do the same.

So here I am.

Looking for a job.

I know Mr. Bajwa has been looking for someone.

He mentions it every time Mom or I come in for books.

I just have to talk to him.

Which is where my struggle comes in.

The talking.

I look over at the older man behind the counter.

And I sigh.



He heard.

"Iago? My Boy! So good to see you! Have you come for new books?"

This is it.

Time to talk.

I can do this.

"Actually Mr Bajwa, I'm here about a job."

His eyes light up at my words.

"Really? Fantastic! I've been hoping you'd come around. Nothing is better than a young, book lover for part time help! Come, come, I'll make some tea and we'll talk."

I don't leave for nearly two hours.

Mr. Bajwa is a talker.

But he as great tea.

And real teacups.


It's snowing.

It must have started while I was inside.

Much more on par for the season than the rain a week ago.

I'm typing a text on my new phone when I hear a honk in front of me.

I fumble not to drop my phone.

I'm startled.

"Come on Iago! You promised to have lunch with us today and you're not getting out of it!"

Indy is smiling at me from the driver's side of our car.

Well, his car.

I don't drive.

So, I don't consider it mine in any way.

I did promise to have lunch with Indy.

I'm meeting his Mate today.

Things have been improving between us since our birthday.

We aren't necessarily spending more time together.

But we're talking again.

Indy texts.

A lot.

He'll text me through out the day.

I don't even have to answer.

He'll just send me random thoughts and comments.

He drives us to the Wolf Pack house.

I glance over at him.

My worry must show on my face.

"Don't worry Iago. You're not meeting the entire pack or anything like that. We're just picking up Daniel."

I move into the backseat so Indy's Mate can sit up with him.

I watch the door as a petite blonde man steps out.

He was maybe 5 feet 6 inches tall, thin with pale, porcelain skin, thick curly blonde hair and large brown eyes. He was wearing a grey cable knit sweater over a plaid button up, fingerless gloves and a long grey scarf.

He looked... adorable.

His expression was guarded as he approached the car but as soon as he spotted Indy, a shy smile spread across his features.

He slid into the front seat, fiddling with his fingers nervously as he glanced between Indy and myself.

We are driving for several minutes before he finally looks back at me.

"Hello." His voice is soft and quiet.


Like he's afraid of me.

This is a big moment for me.

Another chance to step outside my comfort zone.

Indy has made an effort to accept Nuka for me.

I can do the same for him.

So I do.

"It's nice to meet you, Daniel. You make my brother very happy."

The effect is instantaneous.

Daniel seems to glow with happiness.

I can see Indy smiling in the rearview mirror.

We're both growing.

Separate but not apart. 

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