Sometime After November 2nd

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Iago's POV

A loud beeping cuts through the fog of my mind.

It feels like my head throbs in time with the beeping.

I just want to go back to sleep.

To let the fog retake my mind and drift back into unconsciousness.

I don't know where I am.

I don't know what's going on.

It's all too much.

Something is down my throat.

I try to move my arms and legs and I can't.

Why can't I move?

I can't seem to form a coherent thought.

I start to breath harder and the beeping next the me gets louder and faster.

I struggle against whatever is holding my limbs down and I still can't seem to move.

Pain shoots through my body.

It all hurts so much.


A door slams open near me and suddenly voices overtake the sound of the beeping, which keeps getting faster and faster.

I can't think.

I just keep fighting.

I want to get up.

I want to go.


There are so many voices around me, all talking at once.

It's too much.



The voice sounds like my dad, and it makes me thrash more, trying to get to him.

To get free of what is holding me down.

"Mr. Bruin we need to sedate him again for his safety. He'll hurt himself more."

Sedate me?


I don't want that.

Just tell me what is happening.

I try to open my mouth to say all this, but I choke on the words. On whatever is down my throat.

Then the fog is back, growing thicker and dragging me down into unconsciousness.

The beeping is back.

But the fog is gone.

Lifting up my eyelids all I see is a white ceiling.

It's unfamiliar.

Where am I?

Goddess, my head is pounding.


The voice comes from somewhere to the side of me. It sounds like Magnus.

What is he doing here?

I try to move but I can't, my arms and legs won't move. When I try to look toward the voice it feels like something is holding my head in place.

"Wait, wait Iago! Don't move yet." The voice gets closer, a hand grabs onto mine and Magnus's face comes into my field of vision. "The doctor needs to come in. You have a breathing tube in, and they need to make sure you're safe before you can move your limbs."

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