Chapter 6: Mia's POV

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Nathan's doing all that he can, he keeps reassuring me with his sweet words and kisses while hugging me tight just letting me know he's here with me. We just landed back in Toronto, both of us with our Blue Jays caps on instead of our Leafs caps trying to hide our faces from any paparazzi lingering around baggage claim. Nate holds my hand tightly as we wait for our bags to come so we can quickly get out of the airport. Just as Nate retrieves both our bags and we are headed in the direction of the parking lot to get to the car, a few reporters block our walking path shoving microphones in our faces, asking questions. I don't even hear them as Nathan protectively cradles me in his arms while trying to push them away.

It's not easy being with a professional athlete. There's this side of the career that comes with it, no matter how hard we try to avoid it. In my eyes, he's just Nate but that doesn't mean this part is any easier to deal with.

"How was your trip to Greece?"

"Is it you guys getting dirty in the pool?"

"Mia, is that an engagement ring?"

I tense a bit at the last comment, cursing myself for not knowing better than to wear my ring at a time like this. But I didn't want to hurt Nate's feelings and I'm proud to be with him no matter what happens. Sure, I freaked out a bit but a text from my friend at work, Rebecca, telling me how the other associates believe it can be anyone in the photo eases a bit of my stress. That doesn't mean I still don't worry about what everyone is going to say. Mom, Dad, Nathan's dad, the whole world. Okay stop freaking out Mia, what matters is that Nate is by your side. All the doubt quickly vanishes when I feel someone try to grab my ringed hand.

"HEY!" Nate yells at them "Hands off her, now!"

The airport security is now out here after seeing the commotion being caused and help us get to our parked G-Wagon SUV quicker. Once again I'm thankful for Nate and his decision on an all-blacked-out car with tinted windows. Nate and I hurry into the car and both take a breath letting out loud sighs. We sit like this for just a few seconds.

Nate leans his head against the headrest, closing his eyes for a second before he turns to look at me and asks, "Are you okay?"

Not really but, "I'm okay," I tell him anyway because I know it will be okay.

"Let's get you home, baby," he says before he starts the car driving off.


We arrive at our condo and silently grab our stuff and head to the door, then to the elevators. Nate and I moved in here after he signed his first contract with Toronto. We were still young at the time and it's just the two of us so we didn't really need a big house. Hopefully, we can pick one out together soon somewhere a bit out of the city.

When we reach the door our doorman, Joe, smiles brightly at us. I love Joe. He has been here since we moved in and has always ensured our safety knowing who Nate is. Nate even gifted Joe and his wife, Helen season tickets for his birthday this year, I'm sure he will be there with me in a few weeks at the home opener.

"Hey kids, how was the trip?" Oh, Joe. Joe and I read the paper some mornings together in the lobby, drinking coffee before we both have to start our work shifts. So I know Joe knows what's going on since I'm sure somewhere in the papers' sports section there's the article about us. But this trip was not supposed to end how it did. It was supposed to be remembered as one of the best because Nate proposed to me. I'm going to be Mrs. Reese next summer, and no matter what happens that makes me happy. That's why I stop walking and flash Joe my ring and give him my brightest smile.

Nathan doesn't realize I've stopped to show Joe the ring until he hears Joe say, "Wow look at that, I guess you kids are not kids anymore."

"No way, you're looking at two grown-ups right here, planning out our forever and all the good stuff. I couldn't be happier Joe," I throw in there as I give a side smile to Nathan where he is watching me with a mimicking smile.

I've never seen him so tense, probably because we usually stay clear of this kind of thing. Everyone knows we're together, we were that couple in college and never had a problem with it. Even when Nate started in the NHL, I never feared him being caught in something like this because he did his best to avoid any female attention that wasn't mine. This is new to us and even though it is not an ideal situation, I know I have to reassure him that I'm right here beside him, still happy as ever, and never want to be anywhere else.

"Well, I hope this doesn't mean you are going to be leaving me to go live up in those suburbs so you guys can get working on making your own hockey team," Joe says in an accusing voice but really does want us to do that since he always asks me when I'll start having kids.

"Oh not for a little bit Joe, you can't get rid of our morning coffee that easily," I tell him with the same joking tone.

"You have a great night kids. I know you will figure it out," he casually says to us, subtly letting us know he knows what's happening but doesn't doubt that we will get past it.

"Thanks, Joe," Nathan finally speaks up as I walk beside him again so we can finally make it up to our home.

Once we make it inside our condo, in the safety of our walls, knowing no one is going to bother us here since all the perimeters of the building are packed with security, I walk up to Nate and wrap my hands around his neck.

He instantly sets his hands on my waist and rubs them in a soothing way, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead down to touch mine.

"This is what we are going to do," I say confidently, getting Nate to look up into my eyes.

"You make sure with your team that your contract is not affected and your career is not in danger. While I go to my office and make sure things are okay there. If Mase can get the article down, bonus. Then we stand with our chins up and smile because that's the only way to come out of this," I tell him with a kiss on his cheek.

"Let people talk, let them assume, you and I both know whatever comes after this we take it on together. But let's walk into it like the strong badass couple we are, Mr. and Mrs. Smith style, minus all the guns and fighting," he smiles, finally.

"I love you, so damn much," Nate tells me before he sweeps me off my feet and loves me all night long. 


Just a short chapter guys! Thanks for reading, more coming soon!

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