Project Buttercup (Karl Heisenberg)

Começar do início

.... I might take you up on that offer actually. Might give me some points I didn't think about. Lemme get my notebook out.

By all means... would you like another cup of tea?

Nah.. actually, fuck it. Why not?

Two sugars and milk?

Awe, you remembered. I'm touched.


Alright. So, the experiments, step by step—————


By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #5

The date, November 28th.

Alright. So. The fuckin' recorder died during my little interview with Alcina but I was able to write most of what she said down in paper. Good thinking, Karl or else you would have been really pissed off...

I got a good insight in Alcina's experiment with her daughters. Apparently whatever the Cadou did seemed to rebound their DNA and completely change them as beings. They're sensitive to the cold, much like flies and therefore need to keep to warmer conditions— which explains why there's always the castle has a fire in every goddamn room. Winters gotta suck for my little nieces...

Anyways, back to the main project. It's official that a Cadou isn't what's going to help me here. Alcina had a good point about it, I'll give her that. Though now I'm somewhat back to square one with this shit... Is it insane to think that maybe Frankenstein was onto something in that fictional book? Could it be possible that if the body that had just passed on is replenished with working organs that it's possible to bring said body back. In the book the organs that were needed was a brain but then again this book was set back in the fuckin' 18th Century. I don't exactly need a lightening storm in order for this shit to work.

I'll do some experimenting with corpses first. Go to the village graveyard and dig up a few freshly buried bodies— no big deal. After thoroughly cleaning and preparing them with essentials, I'll test with electricity and see how the body reacts. If I'm lucky, the experiment will be a success on the first try. If not... we'll always try again.

End of Recording #5...


By Karl Heisenberg, Recording #6

The date, December 3rd.

The weather is starting to get to a cold as balls point. Normally I'd be huddled up in my worship not giving a shit but winter is the best time to go grave robbing and I've realized that I'm not built for cold weather...

I've got two bodies that I was able to dig up. Both female— yeah, I know— and both have died within the past week.

Subject #1, Delilah Thessil.
Sex: Female.
Date of birth: April 21st, 1989.
Date of death: November 29th, 2019 (30 years old)
Cause of death: Tuberculosis.

Subject #2, Theresa Thessil.
Sex: Female.
Date of birth: September 6th, 2008.
Date of death: November 26th, 2019. (11 years of age)
Cause of death: Tuberculosis.

The Vampire and Gear-headOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora