Tea Time With Them (Headcannon)

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Alcina Dimitrescu

- Alcina always enjoys tea time with you. She can hardly wait for you to come her her castle so you two may share an afternoon with one another, talking about the latest gossip around the village and most importantly— the tea. You had tried her special blend and politely stated that it wasn't your taste. She completely understood and made sure that you had your own tea that you liked.

- Expect to always have one of her daughters purposefully interrupt the two of you because they like it when you come to visit and make their mother smile. If not all three of them come in at once, then one of them will make sure to invite themselves to have a cup or two of their mother's special blend— usually either Bela or Cassandra.

- Tea time usually goes for hours, going from having a cup of tea to just sitting their for hours talking about the little things. It didn't matter the subject. You and Alcina would sit in the lounge, watch the fire and converse. Sometimes the time you spent together was simply in silent. You two could enjoy each other's company just by sitting there and watching the fire together.

- Sometimes, Alcina reached over and held your hand.

"It's especially cold today, isn't it?" You had asked her, glancing out the grand windows of the lounge. You could almost see the village from where you were. The snow draped over the mountains like a veil, bring the title 'Winter Wonderland' to mind. Alcina glanced over and looked outside.

"It is. My daughters had a hard time moving around today." She stated, turning her attention back to her teacup. "I've made sure to keep a fire in each fireplace, just in case." 

"If they'd like, you may join us today. It's very warm in here." You suggested. Alcina seemed to think for a moment, considering the idea. It would be nice to let her daughters visit you, especially since they had a rough morning that today. In the end, Alcina smirked and rolled her eyes.

"No, I think I'd like to keep you to myself today." She teased, bringing the teacup to her lips and taking a sip. Your cheeks flushed with color. Her flirting always did make you feel warm on the face and your stomach in knots. You had to curse Alcina for her charm for she knew how to make you flustered.

"You have me to yourself all the time." You said, letting your gaze cast away from her and to the fire. "Don't you know sharing is caring?"

"Oh, but I don't seem to care, do I?" Alcina rolled her shoulder and batted her lashes at you. You caught a glimpse of her face from under her large hat and you instantly let your cheeks darken in color once more.

-Needless to say, Alcina not only enjoys hogging you but making sure you know you're being hogged.

Karl Heisenberg

- Tea? Karl Heisenberg? Those two words didn't fit in the same sentence. However, you'd be surprised to find out that he doesn't mind leaving his factory and coming to your cabin in the mountains to share an evening of hot tea.

- The man is hilarious about his taste in tea. He needs it to be perfect. He needs a certain teabag—which you were surprised to find out he enjoyed oolong the most— and he needs the right amount of sugar and milk. Otherwise he'll pour it out and start all over.

- He tried to mix his tea with his whiskey once— it didn't work out the way he wanted it to.

- Karl usually goes on a tangent of things he's working on and you simply sit back and listen to him. He'll try to make dad jokes about tea but he's not the best at it— still you will laugh to make him feel successful. Occasionally he'll ask about gossip that you know, knowing you associate with Alcina and must spill the tea, as he put it.

"All I'm saying is that she wouldn't have to keep bending over if she'd just get the doors changed," He began, sitting back in his seat and lighting a cigar. You let him, the smell of smoke not bothering you. In fact, you could say you liked it. It was the smell of Karl and you enjoyed when his scent lingered. "it's her castle after all, why weren't the doors bigger when it was made, ya know?" He took a few puffs from his cigar, the smoke leaking from his lips. You tilted your head to the side and chuckled to yourself, as if not sure if he was being serious or not.

"You are aware that the castle was built before Alcina was ever born.. right?" You asked him, cocking a brow. Karl seemed to sit there for a moment, processing what he had said. He turned his head away, avoiding your gaze.

"Change the subject."

"Fine, you brute." You chuckled and gestured to pour him another cup of tea. He nodded and you grabbed the teapot and began to pour him a cup. "I see a fresh cut on your lip there, where'd you get it from?"

"I failed to pay attention one day while working on a project, I thought I had caught the wrench but I missed the damn thing." Karl reached up and felt the cut on his lip. "Why don't you kiss it and make it feel better?" His comment made you stiffen, pouring just a little too much water than he always had. "Awe, damn it. Now there won't be enough room for my sugar cubes.." He whined— surprisingly childish— and pouted in his seat. You gave a huff and took his cup from him.

"Alcina was right..You really are a child." You teased, preparing him another cup of tea— this time correctly. Karl perked up at this.

"What the hell else has that tall bitch been saying about me!"

"Oh, cool down. I was merely teasing you." You chuckled, putting two sugar cubes and the right amount of tea in his cup. Karl scoffed and crossed his arms, smirking up at you.

"You know it's dangerous to tease me like that, darling."

- No matter how many puns he made, he always made you laugh.

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