Fatal Illness (Headcannon)

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Alcina Dimitrescu

(When she's ill)

- Before Mother Miranda, the two of you were a pair of simple humans in love. You adores one another and planned the rest of your lives together. However, one day you had noticed that your dear Alcina was no herself. She seemed tired, out of breath. It was as if she wasn't really there with you. Though she was the love of your life, it wasn't her.

- One day she had collapsed and you had called for a doctor. The doctor had come and examined her. However, even he had no clue what could've been wrong with her. After all, medical research hadn't been as advanced back then versus now. So, Alcina's condition was left as a mystery.

- She was fading quickly, you could see it in her face. She lay in bed, her black curls resting on her shoulders as she looked pale yet so beautiful. You couldn't stand to know that she was suffering and that you couldn't do a damn thing to save her. You prayed. You prayed that Mother Miranda would save her, make her healthy again. Return your sweet Alcina to the woman she once was.

"How are you feeling, my love?" You ask her, sitting on the bed she rested on. She gazed up at you with a weak smile.

"I am better now that you're here." She reached over and rests a hand on yours. You hold it and lightly squeeze it. "You're shaking. Are you alright, my dear?" She asks you, her voice laced with worry. You give her a nod.

"I'm alright. Tired maybe, but alright."

"Come, rest with me." She holds out her arms to you and you eagerly fall into them. You can't hold back your emotions anymore, lightly weeping into her embrace. She runs her thin fingers through your hair and hums softly to you. "Shh, my sweet. There's nothing to be sad about."

"I can't afford to lose you, Alcina. What am I to do if you don't get better?" You ask her, caressing her cold face that is hallow and pale.

"Live. That is what I would want of you. To live and be happy."

"But I can't... not when my everything isn't with me." You sit up and look down at her. "There has to be something we can do. We just havn't tried hard enough yet.. We just have to keep trying.."

"My sweet." Alcina reached up and takes a hold of your hand again. With little strength, she squeezes it. "Don't do anything brash. If this is how it must be, then it must be..." She grows too weak to go on, her hand dropping to her side and she winces. You're afraid this might be your last chance to save her. Desperate, you scoop her frail body up into your arms and out of bed. You rush from her room and out towards the church. You know there is only one person who can safe her.

"Mother Miranda!"

- And from then on, she was never quite the same Alcina you knew and loved.

(When you're ill)

- She doesn't hesitate to call for a nurse the instant you show signs of something being wrong. She's hoping that they're able to catch on early before you can get worse. However, even The Duke has nothing that can make it better. It isn't a blood disease like she had before Mother Miranda, this is something worse and it is something you can't beat.

- You're bedridden, unable to walk or ever sit up on your own. Alcina is at your bedside at an instant if she is not already present. Her daughters run back and forth to help in any way— getting water, more blankets, change of clothes, a bucket— you name it, they got it.

- When you are at your weakest she suggests an experiment. She's desperate at this point and will do whatever it take to keep you alive. You aren't too delighted by her suggestion. You know the Cadou is a painful process that could destroy your humanity if not kill you. You are less than eager to jump on board. However, Alcina sees it as the only way to save you.

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