Afraid To Let Go (Karl Heisenberg)

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Karl Heisenberg was a man who dwindles with his love for machinery. His factory was his life, it was his safe haven and his home. The inside of his factory held horrors that even the human mind could not fully comprehend. To gaze upon his creations was to step into the mind of a mad man. If one was to ever escape the factory, they would forever have scars physically or mentally to remind them of what they saw in that factory.

Ethan Winters was one of those men.

From the moment he stepped inside the gate to Karl's factory— he had no idea just how far a man was willing to go in order to save the one he loved most. 

"Beautiful, isn't she?"

Karl's voice over the intercom boomed, the dim room echoing with the engineer's prideful gloating. Ethan stared in terror of that creature that waited for him under the trapdoor of Karl's workshop. After refusing Karl's offer, he was dropped through the door and landed into the room below. From what Ethan could tell, it was almost like catacombs down below. Tunnels and places to run— perfect for an escape. However, the creature that made the most horrific noises, was now eager to see what had fallen into her hole.

"W-What the fuck is that!"

"Oh how rude of me! Allow me to introduce you to my darling wife; Mrs. Heisenberg." Karl's laughter echoed through out the room, causing the creature of machine to jolt to life. She stepped from the darkness, her body contorting and jerking around violently. Ethan backed away when she stepped into the light from above the trapdoor, his gun ready in hand. He wasn't sure what the hell he was seeing. There was no way that what he was looking at had once been human.

Mrs. Heisenberg was almost like every mechanic monstrosity within the walls of factory— however, Ethan could see that she had been taken care of. The metal she was made from was polished, clean and in better condition than any other metal in the factory. The lights of her eyes were bright, nearly blinding. Every inch of her was sculpted carefully by Karl himself. Fine details of her body, face and even hair. The machine was as Karl had said— beautiful. She was made with silver and copper, her beautiful sculpted hair in what Ethan could describe was an updo. He figured that Karl's wife must've always had her hair up before this

"W-What the fuck!" Ethan, in response, fired the gun at the machine like woman when she jerked her head to the side when the bullet grazed her arm. The beams of her eyes focused on Ethan, causing him to raise a hand to shield the light from blinding him.

"That's no way to treat my wife! Show some respect!" Karl taunted, being able to observe the encounter.

The wife let out an ear piercing screech, arching her back with a jerky motion and launching herself towards Ethan. Ethan jumped back just in time before her razor like fingers could slash at him. Stumbling on something behind him, he fell back. The wife recovered quickly from her leap and charged at Ethan, the gears of her joints growling with an ache. She swiped at Ethan, managing to slash at his arm. Ethan cried out, kicking out towards her. His foot collided with her jaw and the wife stumbled back, her head spinning a full 360 degrees about three times. She stopped her head from spinning a forth time before screeching at Ethan, who had now managed to get up and distance himself from her.

"You crazy son of a bitch!" Ethan yelled upwards, knowing Karl could very much well hear him. "What did you do this poor woman!"

"I saved her!" Karl responded. "She would've died if I hadn't."

Ethan had managed to get a few shots on the wife, hitting her head, torso and legs. Every time he got a hit, she creeped closer and closer to him before she was able to get the pounce on him. Ethan fell back as she clawed at his arms that he held up in defense. The weight of her mechanic body was tough to shake off but Ethan had been able to push her off and regain his stance. Pulling a bottle from his coat, he lathered onto his arms where the wife had slashed him up— almost instantly the deep wounds on his arms healed. Karl scoffed and carefully watched as his wife circled Ethan, timing when she should attack.

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