Skara knew that there was no way she'd get back to sleep; she was the type that, once she woke up, couldn't get back to bed, especially after hearing... Whatever that noise had been in her dream. So, slowly, ever so slowly, Skara wiggled herself off of the bed, standing upon the floor, before dropping the blanket to the floor, and tiptoeing to the bedroom door, quietly as she could.

Closing it shut slowly behind her, Skara breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned back against the door. "Phew." She muttered. "Didn't wake Willow up. Good."

They were going to be travelling all over the Knee today if they wanted to get anywhere, assuming the weather held out. Skara wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep, but there wasn't any reason to wake Willow up. She might as well get all the rest that she could get. They were going to need it.

Stretching as she walked down the stairs, Skara thought to herself about ... What exactly had transpired between her and Willow last night.

'...Look... Maybe friendship isn't just... about being powerful or the top or whatever. Maybe it's about caring for each other, about helping build each other up without any power dynamic stuff involved.'

'And I don't know if you need to hear this but... You're not a bad person. Not really.'

Hearing all that, especially from Willow of all people, was... It was weird, to say the least. It was... Difficult to explain, but coming from Willow in particular had been... Well, weird. But maybe not an entirely bad weird. More like an... Unexpected weird?

It was hard to describe. Especially given her and Willow's history.

You're not a bad person. Not really.

Skara couldn't help but feel a strange combination of a heavy heart and a light head at the memory of hearing that. It...

She shook her head. She needed to think of something else. She wasn't a fan of... Whatever this was.

The Bard looked around the room, trying to spot anything that could distract her. Nothing caught her eye though, and Skara had already seen pretty much all of it yesterday. The walls and their weird, indecipherable carvings, the windows and their outsides, everything that was in the kitchen, the couch, the photos...


Glancing at a small table that was in the corner, between the dividing wall to the kitchen and a bookcase, Skara noticed that there was one framed photo on said table, and nothing else. In everything that had happened yesterday, this particular photo, she hadn't noticed. She walked over and picked it up, looking at it closer.

Unsurprisingly, it was another picture of the two probable owners of the cabin. It wasn't anything too exciting, really; simply a photo of the two women, Artis and Fex, together in matching wedding dresses, the taller woman - Skara had decided to dub her Fex, though she had absolutely nothing to base this on. She just looked like a 'Fex', Skara supposed - holding her lover - Artis - in the classic bridal position as the smaller woman held up a guitar. Both were smiling widely, as one would expect from the supposed happiest day of their lives. It wasn't anything too special. Just a standard wedding photo, the kind her own parents would show her whenever they got sentimental. They were happy in the picture, and Skara smiled slightly at that too.

Still, she pondered it for a moment. She inspected the photo more closely, and carefully, like moving it too quickly would somehow lead to the frame shattering.

Looking closer didn't show anything odd about the concept of the photo, or anything that looked out of place. But it did show two things Skara hadn't noticed before, that made her blink.

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