Thirty Eight - In A World With No Law, Morals Are All We Have

Start from the beginning

"They usually don't survive that long." A very tired looking dude who reeked of booze agreed, "So frail and slow."

"Excuse you?" I crossed my arms, "At least I'm not an alcoholic."

The guy with the olive coat laughed loudly, large meaty hand coming up to pat my shoulder amused, "I like you, girl."

I slapped his hand away irked, "I don't like you. Now would you please make way?"

Generally disapproving grumbling around me. My fist tightened around the pocket knife in my jacket.

"I think we all wanna have some fun with you first." Olive Coat answered.

And oh of course they are rapists. We had cannibals and backstabbers. Why not pedophiles and sex offenders too?

He hadn't finished that sentence and I had already leapt backwards, trying to make a run for the door through which I had entered. The problem is just that these men are stronger AND quicker than me - I know that because Jungkook is one of them, after all.

I felt a calloused pair of hands grab my wrists from behind, pulling my arms backwards and twisting them together in a painful angle. My knife slithered across the floor underneath one of the tables, earning amused snickers around me.

"See?" The tired looking dude bent over me while I got pressed into the floor like a lamb ready to get slaughtered, "Weak and slow." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers of disgust over my skin.

"Fuck off." I spat - literally spat at his feet.

A knee rammed into my back, making me cough out in pain. I was now pressed flat into the ground, arms twisted behind my back and heavy knee resting the weight of a whole meat chunk of an adult man on top of me.

"Don't be such a brat, that's really unattractive." Olive-coat (the one who was pinning me down) rasped.

"I'd prefer that." I mumbled, struggling and wiggling underneath him.

The guy with the western hat kneeled down in front of my face, eyes sparkling, "Ya don't know how crazy I went with no young girls around." 

I heard rustling of clothes, unbuckling of belts around and the man in front of me grabbed my chin with one stern hand, other one fumbling on his own belt.

Too scared of seeing something that would scar me for life I pressed my eyes and mouth shut, concentrating on keeping my breath even while trying to press against the weight on top of me.

The smell of alcohol and sweat (and other bodily fluids) surrounded me, the presentiment of a stranger's skin touching mine laying in the air.

I wasn't really surprised, not that. Jungkook had shown me that already but humans are by all means the bigger monsters. I knew that.

But having no choice but to let these bastards do with me as they please, because I was weaker than a group of six adult men with either military or criminal background, made a form of fury burn inside of me I had never felt before. Never had I been angry whilst also being unable to do anything.

Involuntarily I cracked one eye open when the hand that had been holding my chin grasped onto my hair, pulling my head back. I tried not to focused onto the wrinkly dick right in front of my nose, instead glared at the ugly fucker above me.

My heart was racing, blood flooding through my ear and I swear I've never been more angry in my life. I've never wished someone death before.

"Go to hell." I hissed.

"Right now imma be in heaven, doll." He grinned.

Then the hand in my hair got detached from it's arm and hot blood coated my face.

For a second I'd been so caught up in my seemingly hopeless situation I forgot I had a monster, worse than any of these pathetic fucks, looking over me.

I squeezed my eyes shut shocked when the head of the guy in front of me fell off his shoulder, only the sound of something heavy hitting the floor with a nauseating crack echoing through my ears.

Pained, I screamed out when the leg of the guy above me rammed into my spine as he tried to get away, the impact of Jungkook's kick sending him crashing into the wall, bones cracking as if they were straws in the wind. Once again: Jungkook's leg strength was a force to behold.

I turned around wide eyed, sitting up whilst simultaneously crawling backwards, subconsciously seeking shelter under one of the long tables.

Jungkook stood between the remaining four men, scythe dripping with blood, his back turned to me.

He was strangely calm for someone who just murdered another human, though I admit it didn't really come as a surprise. But still, seeing him so calm, collected and ready in a situation like that was scary.

It looked like the opposite kind of anger to the one I felt: While my anger had been furious, burning high and loudly, his was silent and lethal. A reminder that he was in fact a killer.

My eyes followed his movements as he burrowed the blade of his scythe in Olive Coat's back for good measure, then moving around to use his bare hand to easily disarm a third guy, grab his face with a single hand and smash his head into the wall next to where his scythe still stuck, shards of brick and plaster splattering off the wall together with drops of blood.

Killing these men looked so easy for him. And I'm not just talking about his lack of qualms and morals - the way he moved made killing actually looks easy. As if these hunks were nothing but mere puppets at the mercy of Jeon Jungkook.

With a jerk he pulled the scythe out of my aggressor's back, rolling his shoulders as he turned towards the remaining three men that all had begun to grasp their situation, all wide eyes and grim faces, either ready to run or fight. 

His eyes were dark pools of detest, though his lips formed a small but wicked grin, "Eat my ass, you yuppie fucks."


took my sweet time with this one


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