" And what about their guns?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned around to see Owen walking towards us, eyebrow raised.

I frowned," I... I forgot that..."

He looked between us, sighing. " I had a feeling you did. It's noble, wanting to save everyone. And I agree, we can't just sit around, waiting."

I grinned, hopeful." Does that means you'll help us."

Owen smiled, nodding. " Of course. I'm assuming you aren't telling Jade and Dakota, right? And as levelheaded and calm as you can be, your overwhelming passion and care can cause you to jump headfirst just to help others, without thinking about your safety."

I frowned," What do you mean? What makes you think that?"

Owen shrugged." Just an observation. The point is, you said earlier I was good at strategizing, right? Mind if I give my two cents?"

I glanced back at Ella for her thoughts. She nodded," You are good at this type of thing."

He stood next to us, glancing to make sure it was just us three. " Your plan has the right idea, but it's too bold. Charging in there would get us killed, even with the twins and Wyatt's kineses. I would have hoped they wouldn't shoot at children, but..." he trailed off, glancing at Ella. I froze, shooting him a look as Ella finished for him.

" They clearly have no problems with that."

Owen nodded, ignoring my glare. " Exactly. In fact, I'm almost certain they would shoot all of us except the twins and Wyatt, who would end up as lab subjects."

I shivered, the thought making me sick. He continued," Not to mention, we only have one thing over their heads that is keeping us safe, and that is photo and video evidence of their lab, as well as Wyatt. Charging in would give them the excuse to kill us and take back what they want, being Wyatt. This would also put the Dakota and her mother in danger."

" Ok ok," Ella interrupted, holding her hands up. " We get it, it's too bold of a plan. So what do you suggest, Brainiac?"

Owen frowned at the nickname, but pulled out a notebook, flipping through the pages," Not too long ago, Wyatt helped me map out the lab- to the best of his abilities. And from what I've gathered, Zach is able to make tunnels with his kinesis. Not many, but-"

" Enough to make a safe escape route?" I asked.

Owen snapped his fingers, smiling. " Precisely. Wyatt mentioned he had friends in the lab, friends that were in on his escape plan. If we could reach them first, they could round up the other subjects and get them out through the tunnels."

" Where do we come in?" Ella asked.

" I was getting to that. Outside each tunnel, we would have at least one or two people there, ready to lead them through the forest."

I nodded slowly, take in what he was saying. " Alright... but where would we take them?"

Owen hesitated, looking down at his notebook," This part get's... difficult."

Ella and I shared a look of confusion. She frowned," What do you mean?"

He looked at us, an unsure look in his eyes. " I wasn't happy that neither Zach or Mateo told their mom or aunt. Even though I think we can do this, we still need their help."

I knew he was right. I might disagree with Jade and Dakota right now, but I know them. And I know that there was a reason why they hadn't called the police from the start. They knew more about kineses than any of us combined. Which is why I said," We take them to the Locklear's, and let Jade, Dakota and their mom decide. If I know them, and I like to think I do, they will call the police. "

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