Destroy this... Sickness

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it looks like she's still in business."

Ashoka tilts her head, "When you were in the city did you see any prisoners?" "I saw three villagers strung up just outside the inner gate."

"We must find a way to free them." "A Mandalorian and a Jedi? They'll never see it coming."


I open my eyes and shoot up from the dirt as fast as I can. "You were out a long time." A deep voice speaks to me. I look around and see nothing but Stormtroopers running around. I grasp my weapon and hold it up defensively. "Don't come any closer!" Two Troopers advance towards me causing me to back up. "I'm warning you!"

They part ways allowing a dark figure to walk up. The mask loosely resembling the past Vadar. "Shall we?" His voice is robotic and cold. My feet wouldn't listen. They just kept walking with this stranger. "Where are you taking me?" I demand the answer as he turns down a long hall.

"He has requested your audience."

Down another long dark hall, I am met with a door. "Prepare yourself." The figure stops in front of it taking in deep breathes before entering. Nothing but red lit the entire room, only black accents of the large throne standing out, and sitting upon it was a decrepit being.

"Ah, I see she has awoken." The scratchy voice calls out. The masked figure leads me upfront and center to the throne. "Arianna Dooku." The full length of a name I've never heard spoken burns my ears. "Step forward."

Again, my feet go against my mind, and walk closer. "You look frazzled. Shall another trip in the salt do you good?" I gulp, still feeling the burning water stuck in my lungs. "No, Supreme Leader Snoke." What? What the hell did I just say? I cover my mouth shocked at my words. I am being controlled. My soul has been taken over and consumed.

This leader leans back in his throne, "Prove it. It is time to pledge yourself. Once and for all as was written." This leader turns to the masked figure, evil in his eyes. "Bring them."

"Yes, Supreme Leader Snoke."

The masked figure walks over to the left, opening a door, and walking into the dark hall. Chains clink as he arrives closer. "You're a traitor!" A voice calls. I look at my brother, Han. His eyes are broken. "We're family! Who raised you, Aria, huh? WHO RAISED YOU?" He's aged drastically. I walk to him, my eyes burning as I draw near. I stand directly in front of him. I'm going to save you. "You are the worms below me." I spit in his face. NO! WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Snoke smirks, "Next."

The masked man retrieved my next victim. Leia. She cries and tugs at his arm. "Stop this!" She pleads with the man forcing her. "Aria, please." "QUIET! You dowl-mouthed creature. You will pay for your sins."

"AGAIN!" Snoke calls for another. Luke is tugged out. His hood torn to threads, he has been beaten for hours upon hours. He falls to his knees weak. He glares at me. "I knew you were Imperial scum." I look up letting out a laugh, not giving him the waste of my words.

"Last one."

Silently two Troopers drag out a Mandalorian, my Mandalorian. I feel a ping in my heart, tears prickling in my eyes. Din...

"Line them up!" I scream to them. One by one all four of them line up side by side. First is Han. I walk up slowly, lighting up my saber. He glares at me, "You'll burn in-" I swing my saber at his neck decapitating him. His head rolls at my feet. Leia screams in tears, Luke cries silently, and Din keeps his eyes forward.

Leia... I kneel in front of her. I grab her cheeks moving her head side to side. "You've gotten old." One swing and her head rolls next to Han's.

Luke... "You're a monster." I smirk, "Oh, don't make me cry, Luke." I laugh as I swing at him. Head number three falling to the floor.

I turn to my left feeling the resistance. Don't walk. Don't do it. My feet don't listen as I make way to stand directly over him. He stares at me, not saying a word. His visor blocking all emotion. "Wait." I breathe out. I bring my hands to his helmet raising it over his head and chucking it behind me. "I want to see your face when I kill you." His brown eyes bore into mine. He has aged as well. His demeanor is cold as he stares at me. "You could've been more." He speaks softly. "And you could've joined me." I raise my saber high above my head ready to plunge it into his chest.

"NO!" I feel myself eject from my own body. I see myself ready to murder Din. "STOP!" I scream at myself. Her actions come to a complete halt. She turns to me, her eyes glowing red, a red saber in her hands, and dressed in all black. She is the fortold Arianna Dooku.

She lowers her saber looking shocked at me... at herself. She huffs out a laugh, "You?" I gasp out looking at myself. I am dressed in my regular clothing, my saber blade pure white. "What are you doing? Look what you've done!" I scream looking at the damage she's caused.

"Look at you we have done. You did this, Aria."

I shake my head feeling my heartache. "No, Arianna Dooku. You did this. And I will never become you." She smirks walking closer, "You already are." She latches her claws on my shoulder and dragging me to Din. "Kill him." She places her saber in my hands guiding them above my head. "Kill him, Arianna. Feel the blood running through your veins." I feel myself struggling to release the saber all my energy is focused on the red clouding my vision. "DO IT!"

My hands shake as I stare into Din's eyes. "I WILL NEVER BE OBEDIENT TO YOU!" I draw the saber down, missing Din and plunging it into Arianna's stomach, splitting her in half. I fall to my knees sobbing. I watch her body fade into the sand and the surroundings melt away. I find myself clenching my hands in the dirt. I feel a rush in my stomach and puke up pure red liquid. It burns my throat as it exits my body.

I fall flat next to the pile as it smokes in the dirt. The dark matter that infected me for years has finally been defeated. "Aria!" I hear his voice in worry. He slides next to me on the ground. "Aria. Wake up." I open my eyes catching my breath. I reach my hand to his head, allowing it under the metal and onto his cheek. "You're alive." He sighs in relief as he cradles me in his arms.

Ahsoka stands behind him, a hopeful grin on her face. "Aria Solo." I reach for her hand, "Thank you. Thank you, Ahsoka." She nods shaking my hand several times. "Thank yourself."

Din carries me back to the ship while Grogu lays against my chest. "You two are like parents to him." Ashoka states. "I can not train him. Go to the planet Tython. There you will find the ancient ruins of a temple that has a strong connection to the Force. Place Grogu on the seeing stone at the top of the mountain."

"Then what?"

"Then Grogu may choose his path. If he reaches out through the Force, there's a chance a Jedi may sense his presence and come searching for him. Then again, there aren't many Jedi left."

I nod at her as Din lets me down easily on the platform of the ship. "Thank you, Ashoka." She nods, "May the Force be with you." 

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