Destroy this... Sickness

Start from the beginning


Din POV:

Ashoka sits in front of the child. "Grogu." She speaks, "return the stone to me, Grogu." He looks at the stone and whines. I take a step towards him. "He doesn't understand." She shakes her head, "He does."

Grogu whines as she reaches her hand out again, "It's okay. The stone, Grogu." within a beat the stone starts to clatter against the ground, but does not transfer over to Ashoka. She sighs and takes the short walk to the child, leaning down and grasping his hand. "I sense much fear in you." Grogu babbles softly.

Ahsoka stands and turns to me, "He's hidden his abilities to survive over the years. Let's try something else. Come over here." Grogu doesn't move from his spot on the rock. "He's stubborn," I state. She stares at me, "Not him. You. I want to see if he'll listen to you."

I scoff, "That would be a first." She smiles, "I like firsts. Good or bad, they're always memorable. Now, hold the stone out in the palm of your hand. Tell him to lift it." She rolls the rock into my hand.

I stare at him doing as she instructed, "All right, kid. Lift the stone."


"Grogu. Use his name."

"Grogu..." I say, the word feeling so unnatural in my mouth. "Come on, take the stone." He just sits on the rock still. "See?" I sigh turning to her. "I told you, he's stubborn. He's only ever interacted like this with Aria, and you sent her off who knows where!" She smirks at me, "Try to connect with him."

I turn to the kid... Grogu again and sigh heavily. I look at him deeply, letting him know everything will be alright. I raise my hand revealing the stone but drop it to the ground. I reach in my pocket retrieving the small silver ball he takes off the control arm of the ship. His ears perk up as he sees the sphere. He reaches his tiny hand out. I get down to one knee holding it up, "Do you want this?" He reaches his hand higher. "Well, go ahead. That's right, take it." Grogu raises his hand whining. "Come on." in a rush of force the ball lands in his hand. "Good job!" I cheer feeling overwhelmed with pride. "Good job, kid!" I walk over kneeling in front of him, "I knew you could do it!"

Ahsoka nods with a smile, "He's formed a strong attachment to you." Grogu babbles as he plays with the ball. She looks down at him in realization, "I cannot train him."

I turn to her in shock. What the hell was all this for then? "What? Why not? You've seen what he can do." She frowns, "As darling as it is, his attachment to you makes him vulnerable to his fears. His anger." I shake my head in confusion, "All the more reason to train him."

"No. I've seen what such feelings can do to a fully trained Jedi Knight. To the best of us. I will not start this child down that path. Better to let his abilities fade. I've delayed too long. I must get back to the village." Grogu whines quietly.

"The Magistrate sent me to kill you. I didn't agree to anything. And I'll help you with your problem if you see to it that Grogu is properly trained. She has a small army of guards armed with A350 blaster rifles, two HK-87 assassin droids, and a hired gunfighter. He reads ex-military to me. Combined, not even your laser swords would be able to protect you from all that firepower."

"True. But don't underestimate the Magistrate either."

I shrug, "Who is she? She offered me a staff of pure beskar to kill you."

Ashoka sighs, "Morgan Elsbeth. During the Clone Wars, her people were massacred. She survived and let her anger fuel an industry that helped build the Imperial Starfleet. She plundered worlds, destroying them in the process."

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