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"Okay I'm here now, what is it that is so important that my day was ruined." looking at everyone except her.

"We need to tell you what's happening with the Uprooted Clovers."


"We all know who chased the population of Cork out of Ireland."

"Yeah I do, it was Tsuki a.k.a. Shawn"

"No It's the bitch you're playing house with. Aoife."Scar said, looking directly at me.

I looked at Scar with an angry face, and that's when Fred got up and defended her. "It's true scar isn't here for her business, she is here because Aoife came to Australia to kill her, and while me and Ry were fleeing people were shooting at us that we had to pretend we died in the ocean. Didn't you see Aoife's face when she saw that I was alive and kicking? She was more shocked of me than I was of her."


"That doesn't explain nothing-" but was cut off when my mother spoke up.

"If that isn't enough then why did one of her informants who are still locked in our hidden staircase tell us that once "Aoife" gets her prize it will be calm and nothing will be in the way of her true love."

With this information I looked towards Milo who looked even more confused than I was and looked at Ricky with yet the same facial expression.

"Tell me did you ever tell this girl where you were?" Scar asked "I mean that's the only way she would have known that you were at that meeting for the children, but I thought the meeting was hush-hush since it was dealing with mafia bosses around the world." Which she stated matter-of-factly.

With this I walked out of my living room and into my office. I looked at the pen Aoife gave me and picked it up, along with the coat she had brought me, slippers since I said my feet always became cold, and lastly, a sticky note pad that was shaped like beer in its glass. And walked down towards Johnny Boy with it all and gave him the code to search the belongings with my eyes. Once everything was out of my hands I walked back into the living room where everyone was looking at me wondering what I was doing.

"Okay you told me what you have to tell me, is that all, because now I'm more busy than ever and I don't need distractions."

"Well you're going to have to deal with it, they already know where we live, tried to kill your brother and Fred , and have been on a manhunt for months after Scar. The only place that this woman has not touched yet has been your house, and that is the only safe option at the moment." My father announced

"Well just like you survived Aoife attacks I'm sure you can survive the rest until this matter is situated properly." I was about to walk out and tell Mi and Ricky to kick them out until Ry finally spoke up and said, "And this is why I never wanted to be in the mafia. It changes a person from human to the devil itself." With this I became mad.

"You think I wnated this fucking job, just because your stupid as fell in love I had to take this roll. If anything is anyone's fault it's yours and Fredrick for not taking responsibilities of what was supposed to be yours. I could have been married by now, kids on the way, maybe even starting to plan my retirement fund! But fucking instead I have to protect everyone yet again and put myself last. And to this point I don't fucking care that Aoife was the one killing the Cork people if I want to be apart of her life or if she does let it be, becuase I done putting up with your ungrateful bitches. So for everyone that doesn't fucking live here or work here get the fuck out of my house now damnit!" I screamed at the top of my lungs staring everyone in the eyes while they all looked dismayed at my outburst.

And when nobody was leaving I took out my gun and shot whoever was in my pathway line and fortunately it hit my mother in the shoulder blade, and I took another shot which then hit my brother in his stomach with me no stopping shooting my father said stop and that they will leave. I watched as every single person left, and walked to the basement signaling quitely for the boys to follow. You couldn't get inside without the password and only two people had it. Me and Johnny Boy. I know I can trust. He gave up his legs and arms to protect me when he got captured, to be honest I thought I lost him by the time I recovered him. But with the Second Chance naming he was given a second chance. I will never forget that.

When I get downstairs Johnny Boys has everything laid out in front of me and begins to tell me how they weren't any ordinary tracking or hearing devices, but military "UNKNOWN" devices. Basically "UNKNOWN' devices were devices created by illegal things in order for nobody to question it until it was dissected. And boy did the American use this shit like crazy, and that's the reason why so many people who aren't even a part of the military are talking about the cloning process. Not to say it could be real, but with all of this metal equipment anything is possible in the military.

The basement was completely untraceable to gps or hearing so when I finally made sure that nobody was listening and the door was shut and locked I began to say. "There is an informant for Aoife in the house find them, and make sure my mom and brother don't die, I had to make it look real since I just noticed that there was a camera in my living acting as the security camera, but out in the open which is a no-no one thing about be a mafia boss if you going to watch someone, make sure they can't detect that they are being watched." My men shook their heads and left, so it was just now me and Johnny Boy.

"You do understand that anyone could be the informant, correct?" Johnny boy said

"Yes I do, but with you I know for damn sure its not you."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Ever since you lost your arms and legs you have always been on my twenty-four hour surveillance just to make sure you were doing well. Needed to make sure my loyal man was doing exceptional for his new position you required." I said while smiling and with that I said.

"Okay tell mama what we are about"

"Yes ma'am"

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