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I got to the café around 5:30am and ordered two big style breakfast which consists of egg, cheese, and sausage biscuit, waffle, and fruit salad, then got me some orange juice since I've been drinking coffee non stop the past week, and tea with milk for Aoife, since she drinks that all the time, yet I still don't know the name to it.

Her hotel that she resided in was about an forty-five minute drive from the café, but I didn't mind taking the drive. It felt nice heading back to the city where I'm from, even though the country side of Moscow is beautiful.

I parked my car in the underground parking garage and went to the elevator, but I remember I didn't know which floor she was on, so I called her.

"Hello...This is..Aoi.." Aoife said in a sluggish tone.

"Hey, which floor are you on? I got the goods."

"15th 1504"

"Okay i will see you then." I hung the phone up and pushed the 15th floor and made my way all the way down the hallways, I've never been to this hotel before must be new since there is no stench of blood, drugs in sights, and no bullet holes that was trying to be covered I'll probably give this a good five month standing hotel, but not for long.

I knocked on the door and behold there was almost naked Aoife holding the door open.

"Let me take a shower and wake myself up first and you can set everything down in the kitchen." While walking away from the open door. With that I set everything up and poured our drinks into hotel preserved cups, and tried to make the breakfast look as if it came from the cafe, and not the to-go bag.

Aoife took about fifteen minutes to get down, taking a shower and waking up, before coming into the kitchen and sitting down with a smile on her face. She looked at the table and was in awe when she saw how good the food looked, then became more happy when she saw her tea with milk and immediately started to drink the beverage. All I could do was laugh at her silliness and eat my food as well.

It was currently seven o'clock meaning I have spent over 1 or 2 hours here eating and relaxing with Aoife. Neither of us said a word to each other, just only looking at each other. I wanted to be something more with her, but I knew as soon as that happened I would then have to give up everything and what happened in the past needed to stay in the past. Everything.

"Hey something on your big ass mind" She smiled towards me

"Yeah I was wondering how could a small chick like you have a head that weighs more than her body" I replied back since we were laying in her bed with her head on my stomach.

"Haha touché touché....But really what's wrong?"

"Nothing really, I mean I told you that I had a past relationship that I didn't enjoy, right?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well she is in the country as of the moment, and my brother has been trying to get me secretly to talk to her, but even she said to make sure we act like strangers when we see each others and try not to run into each other while she is here, but after I left you last night I ran into her and walked past her like she wanted. A stranger. But now I'm feeling as if they are doing this to give me a sign that something needs to be done or talked about, which I have nothing to talk about to either party. This is my second chance at life and I intend to make this second chance a beautiful one." Still looking out the window in the bedroom.

"Well if that's the case, you want me to pretend to be your new love interest before I leave." With a big smile on her face. "I have three more days left in Russia." Trying to sound more convincing to me, but with a shake of the head to say no, she hmphed and laid back down and said, "Its fine I don't need my girlfriend to get made at this little game anyway since she is a bad one."

"Wait, when are you going to tell me you have a girlfriend!?" I jumped.

"Never, because I just wanted to see if you would get a certain way of telling me that I had one." And giggled into the sheets. I wanted to freaking smother, but hey she got me, and plus I didn't want her to stop giggling she sounded nice. But what doesn't sound nice is my phone ringing.

"Ugh get off me fathead" While gently pushing her off to reach for my pants on the floor.


"Nat can you please listen to me before you hang up?" Fred rushed out

"What Fred? I'm kind of busy."

"Can we meet-"

"No say what you want to say to me now."

"I can't"

"Well I guess there is nothing important to say, and for whoever is listening on the other end. If it was easy moving, disconnecting people form my life, and moving on I believe you can as well. Leave me alone Fred." And hung the phone up and looked at Aoife staring at me curious, but I knew even though i wanted to be with her I don't need her in my business.

"Just people who won't leave me alone about business I said no to"

"Oh....Okay now come back to bed"

Which I did and fell asleep, but not fully and making sure my surroundings were alert.

4 hours went by

I heard vibration going on and looked down from my position and saw that it was my phone and carefully got out of bed and went outside on the balcony to answer the phone call.


"Boss, your family is here including the woman whose name we may not ever speak are here."

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

"What would you like to do?"

I was uncertain what the hell these people wanted from me, so I decided if they really have something important to tell, I might as well go and see what it's about.

"Invite them into the living room, I'm coming."

"But boos I thought you and Aoife were supposed to have the day off together." And knowing Milo he said that on purpose to her.

"Yeah, but it's okay I'll see you then." and left the balcony to head back home, but before I did I woke up Aoife, and kissed her on the forehead and told her it was an emergency, but probably not really, and Aoife gave me a kiss on my neck saying her goodbyes as well. I hopped into my car and drove the freakin two hours back home making it back around two thirty in the afternoon.

Once I got to my estate I gave my keys to Johnny Boy who takes care and checks every car for anything when back to the house.

Ricky was already waiting outside the door, opening it to me saying, "None of them would say anything, they are just sitting there quietly and patiently." He whispered

I nodded and continued the pathway towards my living room and saw as Ricky described them sitting quietly and patiently.

"Okay I'm here now, what is it that is so important that my day was ruined." looking at everyone except her.

"We need to tell you what's happening with the Uprooted Clovers."


"We all know who chased the population of Cork out of Ireland."

"Yeah I do, it was Tsuki a.k.a. Shawn"

"No It's the bitch you're playing house with. Aoife." Scar said looking directly at me.

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