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Jimin P.O.V.-

There I was, without thinking, running quickly through the forest, the leaves hitting my body all over, causing my body to hurt all over, but I had no choice but to ignore it. I looked back to see the figure chasing after me. The silhouette looked big, intimidating; the lighting in the forest and the angle I was at, it was hard to make out any details. All that could be heard were the rustling of the branches, the leaves cracking under our feet, and the sound of my hard panting, when all of a sudden-

"Baby~ Why are you running?~"

As soon as I heard the all too familiar voice, I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. The man appeared in front of me suddenly, far away, but it was enough to see his face, creating a shock throughout my body. My mouth was left open when I saw his smiling face. It was my ex. I hoped that I would never run into him again, but he was right there. The crazed smile on his face was so fascinating, yet horrifying. I couldn't help but stare in longing and disgust.

My brain was telling me to bolt, to move, to run the other direction. Just to get out of there before he could hurt me again, but my body had other plans.

Just as he was about to reach out to grab my arm harshly-


I screamed, shooting up with sweat all over my body, my eyes looking around quickly for some reassurance. Same closet, same table, same sheets, same ceiling, same everything. It was another bad dream. I groaned, wiping the sweat off my face and sitting up to stretch.

I got up to change, looking over to my closet while trying to find some clothes. I still felt tense, as if he was still there, about to grab me. It's the same consecutive dream I've had for.. how long even- 3 weeks? But it was only a dream, he'll never find me in real life.. right? I quickly shook off the thought, grabbing some clothes and moving to my restroom.

I sighed, changing into a plain white short-sleeved collared shirt, putting a brown and beige sweater vest over it, putting on some white jeans. I looked over into the mirror and smiled at the reflection, loving the result of the outfit and quickly fixing my hair while talking to myself. I don't even realize when I do anymore, It just happens. I guess I'm just that lonely.

"You're fine, it was years ago. He moved away from here, there's absolutely no probability that he would find your house in another state after 3 years, dumbass-" I giggled, grabbing my bag and looking at the clock next to my bed.

8:06 A.M.

Oh shit. I'm late again.


Taehyung P.O.V.-

The classroom was loud. Makes sense, the teacher wasn't in the room. I looked down at my phone, my knee bouncing up and down for no reason.

8:26 A.M.

We were all staring at our devices- laptops, phones, watches, and anything else like that- with some in groups, laughing together at some random post or meme, some whispering. It made me sad realizing that I was the only person alone in this classroom. I sighed, knowing my friend was late again.

Just as I was about to text Jimin, he rushed into the classroom, hitting the door on his way in and tripping over his own feet at the same time. Typical Jimin. Everyone looked over but no one said or did anything. I was about to get out of my seat to help the clumsy idiot up, but someone that I've never seen before walked into the room. We haven't had a new student in years, but I wasn't complaining. My eyes couldn't help but immediately flick to him.

He was so hot, yet so cute. It was captivating, definitely a type of face that was just my type. He was wearing all black, black jeans with a black belt, tall black shoes with multiple buckles, a tight short-sleeved black shirt with a logo that I've never seen before, and a black jacket with high pockets to top it all off. He was so fascinating, I couldn't stop staring. He looked so good in black, in a way no one could explain. He kneeled down to help Jimin up, smiling a cute bunny grin. I couldn't help but smile too.

The lighting on Bunny Boy's face hit so perfectly where it outlined all his features. His sharp jawline, his weirdly cute nose, the curves of his lips, and it shone the small black dot under his bottom lip. It was so cute, and I'm sure no one else had noticed it.

"Hey, you okay? I saw you fall-"

He held out a hand for Jimin to take, which he did. It was obvious he was just as awestruck as I was, and his face was tinted with a light shade of pink.

It wasn't until Bunny Boy helped Jimin up, Jimin never taking his eyes off of him, that I realized how tall he was. Not gonna lie, it was pretty hot. Then suddenly, the new kid lifted his gaze off of Jimin and to the rest of the class, which is when I finally noticed that everyone was just as entranced as us.

His eyes were wandering around the room as everyone was still, including me. I realized by the attention that he got, he was going to be the new god of this school, even if no one knew his name, they loved him. I knew he wasn't going to notice me, a nobody. Hell, I didn't even know if he liked boys until..

His eyes met mine.

I felt a spark and my eyes widened slightly, my breath getting caught in my throat. Like a fool, all I could do was stare back, completely frozen. Like a deer in front of very hot headlights. It felt as if he noticed too because I could've swore that I saw a small smile that formed on his beautiful lips while he stared at me. His gaze never left mine, and it felt like we were staring at each other for forever.

It made me overthink about everything, making me quickly go into panic mode. What was the reason he was staring at me? Was he judging my light makeup I put on this morning? Is it my hair? Was he looking at my poor choice in clothing? I rushed out of the door, thinking I was late, but I was actually 10 minutes early to class. Me and my dumbass just threw on a white t-shirt and black sweats on, not caring if I looked good.

I was tempted to look away, thinking that he was just judging me, but then we heard someone clear their throat. I forced myself to look away from his eyes and just above his head, Mr. Kim was looking at the class, unamused expression on his face as his hands were crossed over his chest. I felt myself blush and look down at my hands on my desk, suddenly feeling weirdly exposed.

"You kids done? I'd like to get back to teaching. Jimin, I'll mark you tardy later, go sit down."

"Yes, sir."

I heard a couple murmurs across the class and I knew what- or who-it was about without hearing their words. There was a shuffling sound and then someone sat next to me. I didn't have to look up to know that it was Jimin. I knew him so well, I knew he was pouting without even having to look up.

"He reminds me of him-"

I heard Jimin, I understood what he was talking about, but I just didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. I knew his ex was a sensitive off-bounds topic, and I didn't wanna cross it just yet. The most I could do was a reassuring pat on his shoulder, which he responded with a sigh.

"... but he is cuter though."

As soon as the words came out of Jimin's mouth, I couldn't help but smile. He wasn't wrong, but usually he doesn't like talking about him. At all. This was a nice change, and my first thought was:

"Maybe the new kid can help Jimin."

"Class, now that we're all settled down, I'd like the new student to introduce himself."

At his words, I snapped out of my thoughts. I couldn't help but be interested. I immediately picked up my head, looking over to Mr. Kim's voice, seeing how Bunny Boy was almost as tall as the teacher, standing next to him. My eyes scanned over his body and back up to his eyes, our eyes meeting again.

I felt the same spark and the butterflies in my stomach took off. I wanted to look away, noticing that my face was getting hot, but I couldn't. And it seemed like he couldn't either. Maybe he didn't want to. He started speaking and looked away from me, smiling to the class. I didn't know why, but I felt special.

"Hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you all."




i doubt ppl will even read this lmao- im doing it for fun :')

ty my editor and bestie TaeeeBae <3

- me <3

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