That's a pretty brave speech for the one dodging swords right now.

I counter another of Kira's attacks, sending her sword flying into the wall. Derek growls, which isn't a great sound to hear coming from a grown ass man. He runs at me, kicking off the wall and slashing his claws across my back. I bite my cheek until I draw Stiles' mortal blood, keeping myself from crying out in pain. Because it did hurt. I just can't show it. Multitasking is harder than people make it out to be. Both fighting six people and talking to the teenager in my mind has me worn though.

After a moment of silence, the boy speaks again. I still don't see your point, Void.

I'm asking you to join me.


A truce, Stiles, I want a truce.

I can feel his mind working within mine. I think you have your definitions messed up. He says finally. Joining you, and making a truce are to completely different things. And I will do neither.

"Dammit"  I hear myself say out loud, earning a weird look from a few members of the pack. If they kill this body, you will die, and I will die. This truce the best choice for both of us. You can go to school like a normal teenager, but you will have the Nogitsune's power, speed, strength, everything.

But what's the catch?  He asks, smart kid.

Your friends cannot harm me, if they do, they will harm you as well. I throw my fist into Derek's face, jarring one of his top canines.

Stop hurting them, please.

Do you wave your white flag too, Stiles?

A pause. And you promise not to hurt any more of my friends.

I promise. What is it you mortals say? I pinky swear and stab my heart. 

Another pause. It's actually 'I pinky swear and cross my heart', but that's alright. Not everyone can be perfect. I feel as he goes over the pact once more in his head. Then, he agrees. I agree to your terms, Void. Now hold up your end of the bargain.

I feel Stiles' mind pull back, and as promised, I do the same. Our consciousnesses merge, intertwining. He overtakes my reign, pushing me from our shared throne. Out of pure luck, as soon as he takes control, he steps back, narrowly missing the tip of Kira's arcing blade.

"Guys!" He puts his hands out, his fingers shaking violently. "Kira!" She stops mid-swing, the edge of her katana halting right before taking his head clean off his shoulders. "Guys!" Everyone else, including Liam, who has grabbed a frying pan from the kitchen, stares at him. At us. "Guys! Chill! It's me, I swear."

Everyone remains silent, doubtful. It is Melissa that speaks. "You said that last time. How do we know you're not lying."

"I- I don't know." He whispers.  "I- I killed him." Stiles runs his trembling hand through his hair. "I killed him. Void. In my mind. He's dead. I- I killed him." Part of me is shocked to hear him lie for me. I was almost certain he was going to betray me. I took a gamble.

And I won.

Stiles scans everyone's faces with wide, terrified eyes, searching for someone, a single person, to believe him. his gaze rests on his father. "You guys don't believe me." He mutters. "None of you? None-" He staggers back, wiping blood from his bottom lip and swaying lightly on his feet. He stares at the red smear on the back of his hand, blinking.

"Stiles," Lydia says his name softly, he glances up at her. She takes a hesitant step towards him, hand out. "If it's really you, just answer a few questions."

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