Didn't Do What He Said

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Iida's POV:
I went to the bar about ten minutes early as Todoroki also arrives a little early normally. I took out my phone and scrolled for about five minutes while waiting, looking up at the door every time I heard the bell chime. The bell chimed again and this time it was Todoroki walked in. "Hey Todoroki!" I spoke, "Ready for some drinks?" "Yeah I'm ready!" said Todoroki while sitting down. I ordered then he ordered, and while he was ordering I  caught myself staring at him for some reason.

Todoroki's POV:
I caught Iida staring at me while I was ordering for a couple seconds, but I don't think he noticed I saw him. We got our drinks, and I started saying, "Hey Iida, I-," but it didn't come out, I was scared. Scared he might not accept my feelings, so instead I said, "I would like to go to the dance floor, would you like to come with me?" Why couldn't I say it? I liked him, but I couldn't say it?! I felt so stupid, but in response he said, "Actually I'd like to stay over here for today," we'd normally go to the dance floor together once we got our drinks, but not today I guess, while getting up I started saying  "Well then I'll go a-," I felt a hand around my wrist, "Just-," Iida started saying, "Stay here, and," he continued, "Come sit with me?"


Author's Note#6:
I apologize if this was bad, I had no idea what I was doing and just decided to go with the flow, but this is the end of this story, but if you'd like a continuation on what happened I'll gladly make another story for that, just say in the comments if you'd like it!

Come Sit With Me? | TodoIida StoryWhere stories live. Discover now