Them Finding Out

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Todoroki's POV:
I was playing an old game, Mario Party, popular in the early 21st century, with my two friends again. Midoriya and Uraraka kept playing right after my turn when I said I needed the bathroom. I left and came back around five minutes later. I heard a yell, so I started running. When I was near my friends, one of them yelled again, "TODOROKI WHY DO YOU HAVE SOMEONE NAMED 'DRINKING BUDDY' ON YOUR PHONE?!" Oh shit, they found out. "That's just a, friend?" I was hesitant to say friend, why was I hesitant? Iida is my friend, one of my bestest friends in fact. "Why were you going through my phone anyway?!" I shouted, in both confusion and anger. "I saw your phone ringing and I decided to look at the name to tell you it once you came back." Uraraka said in response to my question. It made sense, but I was still irritated. "So, Todoroki, you drink?" I nodded in response, not ready to tell them yet. "Well who is 'Drinking Buddy'? By the way you said 'friend' it seems as though you're not just friends," Midoriya said, most likely still concerned. "Well- I- he-," I stuttered, starting to question who Iida was to me. "Are you two 'friends', but you actually like him?" Uraraka said, she was a good expression reader, so I was surprised of the sudden thought of me liking him. "I don't know, he's just- I just-" I kept stuttering, what was he to me? "You like him! Who is he?!" Uraraka screamed-whispered, she was excited, somehow forgetting the name I put him as on my phone. "I won't say much, but he's a little taller than me and he wears glasses," I wanted to give little hints to them, so saying that will help. "There's literally millions of people with glasses who are taller than you!" Midoriya shouted, obviously frustrated I wasn't telling him and Uraraka who "Drinking Buddy" was. "Well, he goes to the bar with me every Sunday, but that's the last hint I'm giving you." I said with a serious tone. "Well, you like him, so, if you end up dating, you have to tell us." Uraraka spoke, also in a serious tone, "I promise you I will," I replied happily, knowing I'll never get with Iida.

Iida's POV:
I called Todoroki, but he didn't pick up, was he okay? I was worried for roughly five minutes until I heard my phone ring, he was calling. I picked it up and said hello, "Hey, Midoriya and Uraraka found out about the name I put for you on my phone." Todoroki said, "What?! If it was because I called I am so sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen!" I said, feeling guilty. "Well if we don't want them to figure out who you are, I suggest you keep your voice down, they're right next to me, they suggested for me to call you back." He said. I didn't want them to know who I was, so I kept my voice down. "So why were you calling?" He continued, "Is there something you wanted to ask?" He asked. "Yes actually, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go drinking, but it seems you're busy." I replied nervously. "Oh, alright, I could actually be there by 10PM if that's okay with you?" He said in response. "Yeah that'd be good!" I stated happily, "I'll see you there, bye!" "Bye." we ended the call, but he sounded disappointed when I said I wanted to go drinking with him, it was odd because he's not normally like that. Did I say something wrong? Was he expecting something else or was that whole tone of voice in my mind? Either way, I hope I didn't disappoint him.

Todoroki's POV:
I was................. disappointed? When he said he wanted to go drinking? I don't think I was suspecting anything else, right? "So, did he ask you out?" Uraraka and Midoriya asked in unison. "No, he just wanted to go drinking together later." I said in a slightly sad tone, as I think I was expecting, hoping, for him to ask something else. "Well maybe you should tell him later? At least within this week?" Midoriya spoke, sounding like he was feeling bad for me. "Yeah, maybe."


Author's Note#6:
In all honesty, I don't know where the fuck I'm going with this, and don't know why you're reading this shit, but other than that thank you for sticking around. My mind is just typing the first thing it thinks of, so I apologize if it's bad. Anyway, cya!

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