Mad with Sickness

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The sound of worried, stomping feet running down the ship's corridor could be heard from the lowest decks. Sweat pouring from the Captains forehead began to grow heavy as so did his anxious thoughts. "Surgeon!" He yelled desperately. Curious ears perked up like a dog. A faint voice could be heard in a close room. "I'm in here!" As quick as he could, the Captain made his way to the room. "Hurry up man, I've not got all day!" Yelled the Surgeon. Arthur with sweat dripping down from his forehead, explained everything to the Surgeon. "Sophie is sick? Well why didn't ya say so, ya big slab of muscle?" The Surgeon loudly said as he walked out the room. As this happened, the Captain maintained a confused yet frustrated look on his face.

The stuffy cabin of a poor sick woman was so filled with worry. Jack sat on a chair watching over the sick sailor. The exact same old creaky chair that Sophie watched Jack on when he was  unconscious. "Get better soon..." Jack pleaded with worry. He had never cared for anyone this badly in his life, but it made sense, Sophie showed him kindness. There was a sudden knock at the door that gave Jack a fright. "AAH" Jack screamed allowed. "...Come in." Jack said after calming down from the shock. "Jack, I'd like you to meet the ships surgeon!" Arthur exclaimed while pointing at the Surgeon. "Alastor is the name! But you can call me Surgeon!" The Surgeon shouted with a big grin on his face. "Now! What's this about a sick sailor?!" Alastor quickly noticed Sophie laying sick on her bed. Without delay, he quickly moved towards her. "Now! I'm going to examine her!" Alastor howled. After 1 minute of examining Sophie, the mad Surgeon came to a conclusion. "Yup! Definitely the Lurgy!" The unstable Surgeon continued. "Now! I have two options! Option one! I pump tobacco smoke up her backside!" The insane Surgeon screeched. The other two look in shock as they begin to blush. "YOU ARE NOT PUMPING SMOKE UP HER ARSE!" Screamed Jack in anger. "I concur!" Agreed the Captain. "Okay! Then option two is that I saw one of her limbs off! Howled the mad Surgeon. Jack and Arthur looked at each other with the same expression. "Get out!" Ordered both the Captain and Jack. "Okay!" Yelled the Surgeon as he walked out with a big grin on his face. A questioned expression grew on Jacks face. "Why do you keep him around?" Questioned Jack with a deadpan look on his face. "He's not a good doctor or a sane man but he is a good surgeon."  Answered the Captain with a tired look on his face. "Anyway, I better get back to work." Mentioned the Captain as he walked out of the room. Jack looked back Sophie with even more worry than before. "I really hope you'll get better soon."

Drunken GeorgianWhere stories live. Discover now