Cooking Up Trouble

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It started to get colder and the wind grew heavier. The crate was extremely heavy but both sailors had enough strength between them, even though Sophie was exhausted. "Uh... is the kitchen close?" Exclaimed Jack out of breath. Sophie with all the strength she could muster, pointed around the corner. The concerned face that Jack wore for so long grew a little thoughtful. "I'll take it the rest of the way!" Jack insisted in a worried tone. Sophie didn't have any energy to say otherwise at this point. Sophie nodded with her eyes closed to indicate that she agreed. Jack began to plea. "Can you please go rest in the kitchen?!" Jacks face began to get more and more worried. The aching feet of the tired sailor began to walk slowly to the kitchen. The creak of the kitchen door could deafen the loudest man in England. As Sophie entered the kitchen, Jack used all his strength to move the crate the rest of the way.

Sophie was greeted by a friendly face as she entered but was too tired to notice anything. "Ah, Sophie! Come in and have a seat, ya friendly lass!" Grinned William. The exhausted Sailor took a seat on a spare stool. A noise that Sophie was expected finally came into room. "Huh huh, here's the crate of food... " Tiredly said Jack. The new Sailor looked up quickly as he noticed someone he hadn't met before. "Hello, Lad! What's your name?" Questioned William. "I'm Jack..." Responded Jack still out of breath. "I'm William Cook, the Cook!" Smiled the expert Chef. That response put a look of puzzlement on Jacks face. "Your name is Cook and you're a cook?..." Jack slowly questioned. The friendly Cook smiled and then responded. "I chose the name! I just chose something I like to do." This popped another question in Jacks head. "Why did you change your name?" Questioned Jack with a little bit more energy. Williams smile suddenly turned into a frown. "I... just didn't like the one I had." Cook silently spoke as he stared into food he was preparing. Jack was still too worried about Sophie to notice. "I should get Sophie some food." William Cook just nodded as he passed Jack some food he already prepared. Both Sailors started to walk to the dining table as lunch was about to begin. As they left, the Cook just gave out one massive sigh while closing his eyes.

At the dining table, both Sailors took their seats. Jack wasn't expecting an unwanted surprise. People who act terribly decided to have their lunch. Craig and the Press Gangs met up then and there to have their lunch. "Ahh! Jasper, Casper, and Nasper!" Shouted Craig with no restraint. Jack just rolled his eyes. "Of Course they're friends."When even tired Sophie was a fast eater. When the Gang of meanness sat down, Sophie had already finished her food. "...I feel a little better, but not the best." Said Sophie with a little bit more energy inside her. Jack was still worried though. "I'm taking you to your bed." Worryingly said Jack. The tired Sailor nodded and began to walk off with her caring friend. "Oh, is the weak sailor tired?! Haha!" Laughed Jasper. Casper and Nasper continued to laugh with him. Surprisingly, Craig kept silent. Craigs eyes looked down at the floor with a sad look on them. Jack ignored the kidnappers and continued help his friend. As they left the room, the Gang started to chat. "So when's the plan going a head, Lads?" Questioned Craig with a menacing look on his face. "Not so fast! This will take months to plan!" Responded Jasper. "Yeah!" Repeated both Casper and Nasper. "And besides, we need that extra money from the Captain for kidnapping that weakling!" Jasper continued. Craig had a thoughtful look on his face. "Then how about a good sing song to celebrate the future?" Replied Craig. The others responded in unison. "Hell yeah!"

Jasper: "Farewell and adieu to you, Spanish Ladies!"
"Farewell and adieu to you, ladies of Spain!"
"For we've received orders for to sail for old England!
"But we hope in a short time to see you again!"

All: "We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors!"
"We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas!"
"Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England!"
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty-five leagues!"

Jasper: "Now let ev'ry man drink off his full bumper!"
"And let ev'ry man drink off his full glass!"
"We'll drink and be jolly and drown melancholy!"
"And here's to the health of each true-hearted lass!"

All: "We will rant and we'll roar like true British sailors!"
"We'll rant and we'll roar all on the salt seas!"
"Until we strike soundings in the channel of old England!"
From Ushant to Scilly is thirty-five leagues!"

The Gang liked it when they cooked up trouble!

(End of Chapter)

Character Design for William Cook.

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The Character Design for Jasper, Casper, and Nasper! (Press Gangs)

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The Character Design for Jasper, Casper, and Nasper! (Press Gangs)

The Character Design for Jasper, Casper, and Nasper! (Press Gangs)

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The Character design for Craig:

The Character design for Craig:

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