Chapter 17

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Davina woke up extra early the next day, she had a meeting with her father today and she would let the earth burn up before she missed it.

Davina of course doesn't tell anyone that she's meeting with Nikalus Claire, she doesn't think anyone would be interested enough to know where she's going or how long she'd be out for.

Maybe Harry will but chances are he's too busy with Ron and Hermione to notice her absence at the Great Hall today.

Leaving no message, Malfoy is still sleeping, guessing from his closed door, she leaves for Dumbledore's office.

Niklaus was waiting for his daughter at seven-thirty sharp at the Headmaster's office; she arrives a little nervous and angry but she puts on her biggest smile and greets the two men "Goodmorning".

Headmaster Dumbledore greets her back and tells them that they're free to use the floo, her dad smiles back at her, she can tell that he knows what this meeting is for.

They flooed to The leaky and made their way around muggle London and sat at a cafe, they ordered coffee and English breakfast. Niklaus starts small talk about school, her grades, and how she is.

She didn't come here for stupid conversation, she cuts her dad off "Father we both know that we aren't here for small talk", her voice was stern.

She can tell that he was taken back by her boldness and confidence. How dare that girl cut me off. She can practically hear him say this while he is sitting, holding a glass of fire whisky. But, he surprises her and says in an oddly warm voice "Alright what is it you want to talk about then Sunshine" he smiles at her but she knows it's all a show, it always has been a well-practiced show between them, she memorized her script before she even knew how to talk probably.

She lifts her brows at him," I know what happened with the Malfoy's" Her father opens his mouth and closes it "Don't lie to me Father, I want to hear your side".

They both stare at each other, the silence is heavy between them. Davina was determined to get the truth out of him today one way or another so she picked her favorite game," Oh you thought this will stay a secret forever didn't you?".

"My darling I-" he starts but she cuts him off "I'm not your darling", her voice grows louder.

"Keep your voice down girl!", he spat whilst glaring at her, "I will tell you".

She nods and sips her now cold coffee but she doesn't care, she needs something to do with her hands to ease her nerves.

"We were so close with that family and we forgot our boundaries for a little, well not me", he grips his fork tighter, she thinks he will bend it.

"Wela meen?", she huffs. (Then who did?).

"Your mother Davina," he says in a low voice and tucks his head down in shame.

"What happened", she asks, tilting her head to the side, her brows frowning.

"I don't know how to tell you this but you need to know,Me and Lucius were friends since Hogwarts long before I moved to Jordan and met your mother ,he was already betrothed to Narcissa.Anyway," He rubs his forehead and continues,"When me and Julia got married ,I brought her with me back to England, She was a muggle-born as you know but there in Jordan no one cares about blood purity and that shite.She-She was a bundle of joy that one ,I know you will disagree with me but she wasn't that horrible at first". He looks up at his daughter's shocked and confused face ,she was questioning why he's telling her all of this and was taken back by him cursing in front of her.

"What then? I don't want to hear this, Kamel baba".(Continue dad)

"Okay, bas e3rafe eno el hake hayza3lek(I will continue but do know that it will hurt),

She met the Malfoys and everything was alright, they didn't care that she was a muggle-born, they liked her, but I'm afraid that they liked her too well, Lucius of course more than Cissa''.He was looking over her shoulder.

Davina's eyes widened with realization, everything suddenly clicked, all the dots found their pattern, and all the puzzles got solved but she wanted to hear confirmation of what she's thinking.

"You mean to tell me they fell in love with each other?", she didn't know if she ever wanted to know the answer.

"Indeed they did, for years in fact . They were so good at hiding it that not me nor Narcissa caught on until one day".

She cut him off to ask him something bugging her, "Abeel ma tkamel, Was Draco and I born?"(before you continue).


Tears wanted to escape her iris but she refused to cry, she can't cry in front of her father, she can't let her mother have the satisfaction.

She isn't my mom. Why am I calling her mother?.

I don't have a mum, I never had. When has she ever been there for me?

"One day, I was going over to Malfoy Manor for an urgent visit. I went inside his study and J-Julia was there with that traitor on top of her. At first, I thought that it wasn't consensual you know? But-But I heard her telling him" He slammed the table, his face wet with tears "I can't".

She didn't know what to do she just held his hand "It's alright"

"Well I left the study without them knowing and went to find Cissa, she was in the library with Draco reading to him, I told her I need to speak with her now and I told her, she told me she knew, she knew and didn't say anything. So, I asked her why is she still with him she said that she can't do anything because she doesn't want to leave Draco with his father".

Davina wanted to scream for both her father and Malfoy's mother, "But now he's older, he knows what happened, why can't she divorce him?".

"Here's where you're wrong my child, typically pure-blood families never divorce even if the husband cheated and young Draco heard his father's story not what actually happened".


"Well, how was Lucius going to keep his son in his favor?".

"Manipulate the story..."


Davina didn't know what to do, how will she convince Malfoy that the story he knows is wrong and not the one his father told him all these years ago? Someone as stubborn as Malfoy will never believe her, she needs Narcissa to tell him the exact events.

She felt bad for her old childhood best friend, growing up to know and believe that his best friend's mother slept with his father and that her family ruined his. Well he's not wrong about the ruining part, is he...

"This was a lot to take, I'm sorry". Davina spoke in a low voice, her head tucked down.

"No my sunshine it isn't your fault, never blame yourself". He reassured her sweetly.

"You didn't deserve it, any of it. I've always thought that you're purposely ignoring me", She looked at him with tears in her eyes, he squeezed her hand and said, "I drowned myself in work to keep my mind off of what happened, I never realized how it was affecting you".

Davina rubbed at her eyes with the balms of her hands, trying to keep herself grounded, she needed to talk to Malfoy. But, with the research, she's busy with she's afraid that their talk is going to be postponed to another time.

"Thank you baba, I need to head back".She rose from her seat and so did her father, he kissed her forehead and wished her well.

On her walk back to the dorm, she came to a couple of decisions. One, owl her father whenever she could. Two, she and Malfoy have to be super calm when talking about what really happened between their families. Three, she has to meet the trio to discuss Bellatrix and her rise.

Well, number three needs to be number one right now, so she headed to Hermione's dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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