Chapter 13

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Walking to the Gryffindor tables her eyes kept falling to the Slythrin one,her dream was still playing in her mind like a broken record.

"Good morning" she greeted everyone and sat on her usual seat next to Harry,they went on with their routine of asking how everyone is and their night.

"We should meet today after classes," Ron said quietly, "You found something new?" asked Harry.

"Yeah,I got some old newspapers and you should take a look at it" He directed the question to Davina and Hermione.

"You are scaring the bloody life outta me" Davina frowned ,She had a bad feeling in her gut about whatever is in the paper.She had her own speculations and theories but she prayed to whoever was listening not to make it true.

If what she was thinking about is somehow true,they were in a true treat .The danger Hogwarts will face is going to leave everyone shattered.

Tom Riddle died but he left his deepest secrets to his lover ,and she will for sure use it against everyone.Bellatrix isn't a stupid woman, she is smart and tactiful ,whatever her boyfriend left behind she will just enhance it and make it better,darker and more dangerous.

We are going in for a wild ride.

Davina played with the food on her plate,she didn't feel hungry anymore but the cookie lying in front of her made her feel more nauseous than ever.She excused herself with a dumb reason that she knew no one would believe and went out to the fields, she had thirty more minutes before class ,she had to hold herself up to go through the day.

She ended sitting on the Quidditch stands ,letting the cold air brush through her hair,she nuzzled her chin into the warm Gryffindor scarf.Allowing the wind to extract her stress and dissolve in the air.

"What are you doing here" His voice sent shivers down her spine, he was the last person she wanted to talk to today.The dream ,the cookies ,her talk with Pansy was too much for her,she couldn't handle his bullshit ,not today.

She stood up and walked past him,her shoulder brushed against his ,he grabbed her wrist "I'm talking to you Claire" his voice was filled with annoyance and hate,she didn't know how someone can go from nicknames and soft kisses to this.

"Leave me alone" She snatched her wrist from his tight hold ,and continued walking to class.

There were about fifteen more minutes until her Potions class started but one git couldn't leave her to enjoy some fresh air.

She took out a half filled parchment and quill,she continued her History of Magic assignment due in two days,she was writing and crossing,her mind isn't allowing her to do her homework in peace,she tore her parchment, frustrated by her lack of focus "For fucks sake!" she breathed out.

Okay Davina breathe ,one two three four five six,hold for three ,one two three,exhale for five,one two three four five.

Okay,everythings okay.

Everything will be okay.

She repeated these words like a mantra in her brain,she felt herself relax,her breathing was steady and her hands aren't trembling anymore.

She took out another parchment and started writing again,when she had one paragraph left ,Professor Slughorn came into class with everyone else behind him,Everyone took their seats and took their books ,waiting for the class to start.

A small hand caressed her back,she looked behind her, it was Pansy giving her a small smile "You alright love?".

"Yeah you?" she smiled at the short haired girl,she wished that everything is alright but at least someone sensed that there was something wrong and that calmed her,knowing that you matter to someone ,that your well-being is important to them made her feel alright.

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