Welcome to Your New Home!

Start from the beginning

Izuku, however, interrupted him, "I'm not sure about that last part, but glad you think so."

Looking him over, he noticed the red staining his uniform. "I was worried when I saw the stain on your shirt."

The masochistic student scoffed, as if that boy could make him break his word. "That brat, Megalomaniac or whatever, made me spill my lunch. He had it coming. I give it 2 minutes before he attacks a classmate."

Uraraka gasped, horrified. This was something that people without dietary quirks didn't really consider, especially for those who have more cannibalistic ones. "Is your bloodlust that bad?"
Izuku nodded, dignifying it with a proper response. "When I first started? You have no idea. 5...4...3..."

Nezu's voice called out, clearly having seen something on one of the many, many cameras in place. A violation of rights that, thankfully, didn't "Neito Monoma, can you report to the Principal's office? Thank you."
He snapped his fingers and bared his teeth, "There it is."

Kirishima was a little unnerved by the accuracy of his prediction. Ashido and Kaminari were in the same boat, but the redhead was the only one to voice it. "Midobro, you're scary when you do stuff like that."
Whirling around to view him, he bared his teeth in appreciation for the compliment. Because of course he took being called creepy as one. "Thanks."

"Well, you don't have anything I need to teach you this afternoon, so you can do whatever. Maybe you all can take him to his dorm."
Almost saluting, the bluette acknowledged the order. Or perceived it as an order. "Sir! C'mon, Midoriya!"

Protesting, he was unprepared for the boy to drag him around, and, on top of that, he was stronger without his quirk. "Hey! Don't pull me, Engine legs!"

Katsuki, on the other hand, laughed uproariously, seeing the ravenette be very similar to himself. "Hahahaha! I'm going to fucking use that one!"

Aizawa said to himself, not caring if anyone else heard, especially since. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with them all the time."

Iida finally let him go as soon as they arrived in front of the dorm building. It was tall, glassy, and, in Izuku's opinion, slightly gaudy. "Welcome to 1A dorms! Since you're a boy, your dorm will be to the left, up several floors. It'll be the empty room on floor 3."
Shaking off the grip, all the carven student muttered was a halfhearted, "Thanks..."

Ochako mentioned something crucial, the arrival of his"We wondered why a bunch of luggage was brought up yesterday. I'm guessing it's yours?"
"Probably." He felt his neck, as if he was checking something. Something he did find. "Damn, they probably didn't bring it... Hey, anybody have a spare razor?"
Momo spoke up, offering help in the unique way she could. "I can make one for you."
Quirking an eyebrow, he asked, "Make one?"
Proud in her ability, she explained, with enough detail to be relevant, but not enough to really dig deep into it. Encouraging his interest in it, while still being helpful. "My quirk allows me to create anything as long as I know the composition and design of the item in question."

That was a powerful ability, but like all quirks, it was a double edged sword. "Interesting... but there's always a drawback..."
She nodded, "That's true... it is drawn from my fat... so I need to eat a lot."
That made sense... but that wasn't his most immediate concern. "I see... Can you make one of those old-fashioned English razors for me?"

And just as soon as he asked, it was done. In a flash of light and sparkles on the surface of his skin. "Sure... need shaving cream?"
He seemed more... preoccupied with something else, having accepted it, and clutching it close. "Hm? I'll check first, thanks." As he left, the others found it odd how quickly he seemed to extract himself from the area... Momo especially.

Izuku went upstairs and checked the space. It was a small, but not too cramped room. He planned out how he would structure the room. I can have a bookshelf here... bed here... that basically covers it. With a plan in mind, he called downstairs, "Hey Momo, can I borrow you for a sec?"
Calling back with a simple, "Sure..." before taking several seconds.
When she arrived, he had marked out dimensions. He asked rhetorically, "You can make anything right?"

She nodded, still confused. "Yes...?"
"Bigger than yourself?"
Now she understood. There were things he wanted that they didn't bring. Since she had a full lunch with no heroics class, she could do a lot for him. "Of course."

He gestured to show what he wanted as he asked, "Can you make a bookshelf with these dimensions? And a bed to sleep on?"

As she prepared mental blueprints that he might appreciate, the raven haired heiress had to ask. "What size bed?"
He didn't care about the size of the bed, as long as it was comfortable. "Double's fine, thanks."

Nodding, the raven haired girl asked, "I'll get right on it. Do you have shaving cream?"
He was blase about it, but claimed he found it. The way in which Izuku dismissed it did rub Momo the wrong way... but she decided not to pursue that right now. "Oh yeah. In my luggage."

However, she had to make sure that he left the room. Privacy for her power, after all. Though, after she created the furniture, the raven haired girl asked while peeking out the door, concerned. "Are you sure there isn't anything else you want?"
Midoriya rubbed his chin, with a faint idea, "Hmm... a work desk & chair? Can you create any instruments?"
Nodding, she understood why. A place to study... but the second one was more curious. It must be for a personal reason. It wasn't her place to pry, but she did need to know which one. "A table is easy... what instrument are you thinking of?"

And, he told her. "A piano... haven't practiced in ages though."

An eyebrow raised, "Thinking of doing it again?"
He nodded, not looking at her yet, "Yeah."
After those requests, she asked again if there was anything else. She had used a lot of her reserves... but he refused. There wasn't anything else he thought he needed. Just time to himself, really. And he showed genuine appreciation in his voice. "Nah. I think that's enough... Thanks."

She didn't expect that, the thanks. Then again, he had completely shifted her perspective on him, from madman, to lonely, broken boy, over the course of a day. The way he acted was nice too, even if it was in his... unique way. "N-no worries."
"Hmm? You alright? You look redder than my favorite snack." He winked. 

Blushing in response, she remembered what that was. Annoyed, Momo huffed, "Really?!"

"Just messing with you... wait, your shirt is gone..." He quickly looked away, blushing with embarrassment. His cheeks reddened slightly, but a small bit of blood did leak through the scars on his mouth. 
Smiling, Izuku noted that her voice didn't sound concerned, and the reason was clear enough. "Oh, that's just a side effect from when I don't have enough in storage."
Still not looking at her, he gestured to his sprawled clothes. "Take one of mine. I don't like that grape kid. He'd probably take advantage of you while crossing the gap to the other side."

Taking one with an Allmight print, she bowed after putting it on. "Thanks... I'll give it back when I can."

"Don't worry about it... I have more decorating to do..." He bared his teeth after she left, thinking about how to make this more like home. "This will be fun."

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