A Fateful Encounter

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Principal Nezu waited for Eraserhead to arrive after the school day. He made a cup of tea and sipped patiently. Allmight, Midnight, and the rest of the staff were arriving into the conference room. Eraserhead arrived last. Nezu, of course, was the first to notice. "I see you're well, after what happened last night?"

After a moment of getting into his chair, and his colleague's baited breaths, he replied with a simple: "Yes..."
Allmight, a new addition to the staff, and one that still baffled Aizawa, considering how bad he was at simple teaching instruction, asked: "Is this... villain killer, that strong?" Considering his position at number one, it was hard for him to gauge a villain's strength compared to others. It was good he at least searched for other's opinions. A good sign, if there was nothing else in the man's favor. At least, that's what the dark haired hero thought.
Aizawa continued to speak, glancing at the blond. "No. I made a misread that he took advantage of."
Nezu, quick to keep the topic on what he wanted, asked: "I see. So, what do you know through your investigation of him?"
Aizawa reported what he observed. "He is tall, with pale skin, dark hair, and red eyes. His behavior is erratic, and he is, at this point, dominated by his quirk. His killings are driven by his... bloodsucking quirk's dietary requirements, similar to the Himiko Toga case. But, he does talk, and can be... reasoned with to a degree." That brought things to a standstill. Every hero knew about that. The Togas, an ancient and venerable family, of power and prestige, tried to repress a blood quirk in their daughter. That eventually caused her to break and attack someone who she had seen bleeding before, and then go on the run. It turned out she needed blood in her diet, and what the Togas had been doing was abuse. They could've just hid that she needed it, but they went the absolutist method.

One that will not, and never will, work. And now history is repeating itself again. But... unlike before, this one could be talked to. They just needed to find him.
Nezu must have been thinking that too. "Interesting..."

Shota remarked, surprising everyone else. "From what I gather, his diet contains only blood, so it's rather difficult for him to live a... normal life."

Again, what Nezu says often unsettles those who listen... made no exception here. "Hm... that would make containment a problem."
Next was a discussion of his fighting style. Even when he was describing the fight... his actions lent themselves to a person on the brink. "He is agile, strong, and competent, but extremely disturbed."

Everyone wanted to know, but nobody was willing to ask... but Nezu, yet again, had no such moral and logical conundrums to hold him back. "How so?"

Humming slightly, he glanced around the room. "You all know what he looks like, right?"

The rest of the staff nodded, Midnight in particular commenting: "I remember your... vivid description of him."
Aizawa then answered the following question before it could be asked. It made sense considering he didn't hide them, and actually seemed proud. Even stating outright that 'you wouldn't want to know'. Sighing, the man stated: "I believe he did those scars to himself."

The room went silent with that theory. After a few eternal seconds of silence, Midnight, the only one to keep her voice besides Nezu, asked Aizawa the question everyone was thinking. "W-why would you think that?!"

Aizawa gave his reasoning, and, as horrifying as it was, it did make sense. "He wouldn't reply to my question about the scars, but he didn't act like he had experienced great trauma. Plus... they're fresh. If what Uraraka says is true, they shouldn't still be bleeding as they are."
Toshinori looked down at the paperwork, muttering to himself. "That would make him even more insane than we realize..."

However, the blond man was actually hopeful in his ability to help him. "He is the same age as a first-year... maybe he could go through the rehab program? We never catch villains that young, it'll be a good chance."
Nezu agreed, "Indeed, we might be able to reform and help him with regaining stability."
Vlad King, on the other hand, was a bit more hesitant. He'd seen the crime scene, and considering they have similar blood quirks, it's not due to any kind of bias. "Is that the wisest idea?"
Aizawa actually agreed verbally to that. "Of what he did say to me, he doesn't like heroes that much right now because they get in the way of his survival... if we were to show that we will help him, instead of hindering him, then he may become more reasonable in the future... He actually wore a very faded Allmight hoodie, btw."
Yagi was actually uncomfortable by this "I'm not sure if I should be flattered or disturbed by that..."

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