A Formal Introduction to Class 1A

Start from the beginning

The class all looked at those two specifically. Mineta looked at them as if he could imagine a weird scenario, perhaps one Midnight might approve... although, last they spoke, she was just as creeped out by him as everyone else.

He laughed, "I don't blame them for giving in. The options of death or doing what the madman asks is a pretty straightforward choice. Hahahahaa..."
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he was already regretting this, "Take your seat behind Bakugo."
Slowly moving through the room, to scare as many people as possible, he finally walked to his old friend's seat. "Oh... hi Kacchan..."

Quietly... almost uncharacteristic of Bakugo, he asked, fear lacing his voice. "H-hey Deku... You still alright?" The class was speechless, they had heard him ask what happened to him, but didn't quite realize how close they were. He knew Bakugo?! And Bakugo is acting nice?! And afraid?!
He nodded, "As good as I ever was. Just thinking a little more clearly..."

Muttering to himself, the blond sighed, "Somehow I don't think that's fucking clarity..."

Aizawa interrupted their conversation, "Quiet down, now we have to get onto the lesson at hand..."

After all that madness... classes resumed as normal. Everyone in class A was tense except their new arrival. He had instilled an initial sense of fear into them, and they didn't want his ire. However, they relaxed as each lesson was... normal. 

Soon enough, the lunch bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Aizawa arrived back to supervise them before they could head out. "Remember what you learned in class. One last thing before I dismiss you. Midoriya is your classmate now. Treat him with respect. He can't hurt you unless during training. I want you to all look out for him. I have your lunch here by the way." He pulled out two blood bags from his desk. Deku walked over to get them.

Quietly, he spoke to Izuku, "All the staff knows that you're an orphan..." That made him freeze. What was he planning? It seemed to be a lead up to adoption, but who would be crazy enough...

"Emi... sorry, Ms. Joke and I were wondering if you wanted, I dunno, a new set of parents. To help you out when you want us to." Now that threw him for a loop. Him, the man who seemingly hated him? Annoyed with his presence? This guy right here? And he was with Ms Joke? Granted, she did move to UA last year to help the second years, but seriously? The straight man and the joker? Huh, maybe that is why...
However, he couldn't miss the easy jab here. "Adoption? Are you even sane anymore? I didn't deprive your brain of oxygen, right?"
In a monotone that indicated he was less than amused, "Ha, very funny, but no, I'm serious. Despite what I show... you deserve a good set of parents. Emi wants to support you, after hearing what happened. Bakugo told us about how alone you were, and we would like to help."
Still not sure what to think, he decided to postpone it for now. "I... I'll think about it... can you give me a day to think?"
He nodded, then dismissed him. "Sure. I'd join your classmates... they might be a handful, but their hearts are in the right place... especially compared to what you went through."

Bakugo waited outside the door, still unsure of what to make of his friend's developments, but tried to resume it as normal. "Got your lunch?"
Something Izuku greatly appreciated, "Yeah..." he held up the blood bags and bared his teeth in the way that he smiles, replied, "it's been years since I've seen these." Clear exaggeration, as it's been less than a year, but the sentiment was there.

As they walked, the blond tried to ask what the boy was up to. "So... what's your life been like... besides the killing..."
Unfortunately... survival dictated nothing less for the vampire. "Not much, just sleep during the day, go out for food, repeat. They shut off the power and water so staying in is kinda boring. I did do some redecorating, though. Maybe they can show you some pictures?"
If his physical appearance was already massively twisted, did he want to "Do I even want to know what 'redecorating' is for you right now?"
Snickering to himself, Izuku conceded that point. "Probably not. Hehe..."

The others of Class 1A greeted him in the hallway before the dining hall. A brunette waved, "H-hi."
"Hello Uraraka."
She glowed at him remembering. Strange, I thought I terrified her. "You remembered my name."
He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, admitting, "Not at first, but Momo corrected my mispronunciation."

A little disheartened, she realized that he failed to remember her name until corrected. "I... see."

He actually sounded a little concerned. Maybe a moment of clarity? "Don't feel bad. I'm terrible with names. Always have been. It's why I call him Kacchan. Easy to remember."

A blond, new to him, introduced himself and asked, "Hey, I'm Denki Kaminari... just a question, though, for everything I've seen and heard you're a bit... chatty..."
He shrugged, appreciating the honesty of the question. "I don't get to talk very much. So when I do, I talk... a lot... even if it's nonsense."

Bakugo asked a new question to him, "Hey, Deku, you still writing those notebooks?"
Smiling, he nodded, "Those? I still have them. Sometimes if I have the time I like to dissect some of the fun ones to see how their quirk works."
Everyone was shocked about that new bit of information. It was all good to have a hobby... but to tear people apart for it? They were all hoping, while Momo shakily asked, "N-not alive, I hope...?"
Laughing once, he shook his head, as fun as he considered that to be... his circumstances dictated otherwise. "Too risky to do that alive. Nah, have to kill them. Sorry for all the talk of food before we get there! I'd hate to build your appetite before you get to your food."

Everyone was nervous about that, but Denki started to say, "Um... we don't eat... any part of people..."

Smiling, he laughed again. Ah, these people were hilarious to mess with. "Duh, of course you don't! I'm just messing with you all. Get your food. I'll chill here."

Mina asked, concerned, "You're not coming into the cafeteria?"
"How many of them do you think were warned about me? Nah, I'll cause a panic. As much as I'd love to, I'd rather not get shocked today." He pointed to the choker, and they realized that it wasn't a fashion choice. "Karma's always a bitch, isn't she?" He laughed maniacally as they left to get their food from Lunch Rush.

"He's a little unhinged, but at least he's approachable..."

Kaminari looked at her weirdly, "A little? A little?! He's full on mad! But he's not that bad so far."
Mina asked, "You ok, Bakubro?"
The blond shook his head, not quite sure what to think. "I dunno... seeing him like this is honestly fucking tragic. He used to be such a nice person. World's a cruel bitch to those not like us."

However, the electric blond had to make a comment he would come to regret later, during the next training exercise. "Wow... I never thought I'd see Bakugo like this... actually compassionate..."
That immediately set him off in a moment of anger, "I can be like this, you fucking pikachu!"
Kirishima, who had been silent all this time, commented, "And there's the Bakubro we all know."

The rest of lunch was, for the most part, calm. Everyone recieved their meals courtesy of Lunch Rush. However, at the end, after everyone had their food, there was a commotion towards the exit of the cafeteria. Those in Class 1A went to see what the issue was...

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