A Fateful Encounter

Start from the beginning

Nezu voiced his own opinion, causing a couple of laughs at the first part, "Maybe both is the correct response? Either way, he is in a delicate position and could be brought to either side. Let's try to reform him into a better person."

Midoriya thought out loud to himself, as he got up from his bed. There wasn't much to be found here, in Mustafu, so he would have to find a new hunting ground. Villains had decided to move from the place, once it was clear that he targeted them. "Time to have some fun... I wonder if I'll get to kill anyone..." He started to hum a tune as he walked the moonlit streets, eventually passing by a bar where he overheard something... interesting. A conversation between villains. "Tomura, you will attack the USJ a week from now with the army we have assembled. Show them who you are, become what they fear most."

The man in the room held a deep reverence to the one on the TV. Especially in how he spoke, with his hoarse and coarse voice. "As you wish, sensei."
Further instructions were given, and they were actually alarming. It was clear that they had a plan for Allmight, of all people. Even for a broken boy like Izuku, he knew that they must have a way to hurt him. "You are only allowed to use the Nomu when Allmight appears, is that understood?" 
He seemed disappointed. "Yes..."

"Good. I await your progress..." The TV flicked to static. The ravenette continued to think as he carefully left the area, USJ... No idea what that is. But it's something to do with Allmight... He thought about what to do, how he could help his hero, all looking for easier prey. He found a lone student. Different than the first, she was taller, with black hair, and a confident air to her. She looked rich, but that couldn't be the case, since a rich girl wouldn't walk home. However, the uniform was exactly the same. Looks fun... I won't kill her... but her blood will be delicious... I'll follow for now.

She was on the phone, discussing something with a friend. However, she didn't notice the two men cutting her path. As she hung up, they jumped her. "Well, well, look what we have here."

Hanging up her phone, she tensed, clearly ready for conflict. "What do you want?"

The other guy sneered, clearly eyeing the girl for his own pleasure. "You, princess."
She created a staff from her skin, pushing him back. "Get away from me!"

Oh no you don't! That was enough for Deku to get involved. He ran and rammed his shoulder into the one coming up behind her, driving them back. Back to back, they readied fighting stances. One with a long staff, another with a knife. 

The girl couldn't believe it. Someone helping her right now. She couldn't see his face, but was grateful. "So we're fighting them then?"
He glanced back for a moment, affirming her question. "The only way to get rid of people like this..."
She readied a fighting stance. "Then I will do what I must."

He laughed, a harsh, mad laugh which unnerved all who heard it, "Try to have a little fun along the way."

The girl used her combat training against the one villain, while Deku, for a lack of a better word, butchered the other. He brutalized him, stabbing repeatedly, slashing and avoiding counters. He was loving this. 

The two were still fighting as he walked over. What the villain saw scared him to the core. "C'mon now, don't be shy... let's play a little..."

The girl turned to look at her ally and was taken aback by their appearance.

"Y...you!" The man finally realized who he was dealing with... and he tried to run. Not that he could get very far while still in line of sight.

"Not so fast..." He hurled his knife, cutting the air and embedding it into their leg. The villain screamed in pain as it tore through his musculature, only stopping briefly as he hit the ground. Taking his time, the villain attempted to crawl away, in a hurry, before Deku gripped the knife blade, and dragged him over to the girl. Forcing the man to look at her, the raven haired boy asked, "Would you like to do the honors?"

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