Descent to Madness

Start from the beginning

"Hello there..." A man pointed a gun toward her. His silhouette indicated a heteromorphic quirk, which altered his appearance. In the dark, it was very intimidating.

Due to her fatigue and her lack of ability to deal with a gun, she nervously raised her hands in a placating gesture, "W...what do you want?"

His... "request" was simple. "Give me all your money."

But for the financially struggling brunette, the little money she had was the difference between having a place to live, and being out on the street. She couldn't afford a mugging like this. "I don't have any!"

"Don't make this hard for me..." he swung at Uraraka and hit her on the side of the head. A harrowing, vicious blow, which disoriented the poor girl, knocking her to the ground. He stated again, with more force: "Give me all you have!"

However, before he continued, deliberate footsteps could be heard. Turning, he saw a guy in a faded Allmight hoodie walking down the alley. "Keep on walking, you. Don't do anything stupid."

You couldn't see his face, but he just kept walking. When it was clear he was just trying to get by, the robber turned back to Uraraka. "Now... where were we...?" However, he then got stabbed by the hooded man. Turning, he tried to shoot him, but he quickly cut his wrist, forcing him to drop the firearm.

Uraraka could do nothing but watch as the person stabbed and cut the man into ribbons. Falling backwards, she tried backing away but bumped into the wall. Wha...what is this person... No... a person wouldn't do this to another... Bringing the knife up to its head, it pulled back the hood, all she could see was a mane of black hair. He whispered to himself... "Blood... his is dirty..." He looked back at her, and she could see the horror of who he was.

He was pale-skinned, with vibrant green eyes. However, the horrifying part was what he did to his mouth. His cheeks were cut open, creating a permanent smile. "Are you okay...?"

"Please don't hurt me!" She curled into a ball.

The boy looked at her, confused, "I won't... didn't I just help you?"

Looking back at him, she saw he was knelt in front of her holding out his bloody hand. Carefully reaching out, she took it and he helped her back up. She was still shaking from fear. More due to his actions, than his appearance, although that didn't help anything. "You're not a hero..."
"I'm not a villain either."
She started to ask carefully... "But you just..."

But he shut that down quickly, rounding on her. "I am not a villain."

Panicking, she waved her arms, with a retraction. "Ok, Ok! I won't tell anyone..."

Moments passed, eventually, with a sigh from the monochromatic boy. "I don't care if you do."
She glanced at him, "Then..."

The boy interrupted yet again. "What is your name?"

Caught off guard, the brunette was surprised by the care in those words. While spoken as if he was almost demanding to know, his eyes conveyed a... desire for something. A friend, perhaps? "Uh... Ochako Uraraka..."

Her hunch was proven correct when he asked right after, "Can I ask for a favor?"

Her stomach seemingly dropped into a pit, he didn't save her because it was good, no, he wanted something from her. But what did she have that he wanted?! That was what was confusing her as the girl fearfully asked, "Wh-what favor?"

What he asked was infinitely more horrifying. "Can I drink your blood?" She could almost picture the blood draining from her face, the color seeping from her body, and it lying dead in the alley. A terrible mental image. 

Because of that, Ochako asked, "Why!?"
A little embarrassed, he couldn't meet her eyes. His mouth... or the edges of it... started to bleed from the blush. As it turns out, he was just as nervous as she was, stuttering as he tried to justify it to her, "I... it's a part of my quirk... I need blood to survive... you can say no... sorry... I'm just desperate... and I wouldn't take all of it... just enough to live..."
That made sense. It actually made sense why he would need it. There were blood quirks out there, she knew. And the sheer variety would lend itself to the possibility of a true vampire quirk, like his. But one question remained, "Why... me...?"
Understanding her question, he stated, looking at the dead corpse with disgust. "His is gross. I could taste the drugs in his system."

After a long, silence, the young girl agreed. Under the most obvious of conditions. "A-as long as you don't kill me..."

His eyes widened, relief visible within them. And the condition, of course, was agreeable. He actually liked her for this action. It was selfless, just like an actual hero. "Really?!"


"Thanks!" He opened his mouth, and she saw his fangs. Just like she predicted, but it still made her gasp. 

"A-are you actually vampire?!"

"Yeah... or as close as one can be..." He carefully angled himself and nipped her neck softly. The experience felt quicker than she expected, and painless. 

After a few moments of the unusual sensation, the boy finished, taking his mouth from her neck. Her blood ran down his chin, but he wasn't bothered by that. "Thanks... It's... different than just drinking from blood bags."

Wait, he had access to...?! "W-why need me then?"

But, yet again, the explanation was simple. "I ran out of those... and have no way to get more." He looked at the corpse. "I would call for a hero..."

Ochako hated her emotions, as wild and uncontrollable as they currently were. "I-is it okay for me to be afraid of you?"
She felt bad at his response, "...I'm used to being hated. You might as well hate me too." He started to walk away.

"Can I have your name?"

" can call me Deku."
"I-isn't that... short for Dekiru? Doesn't that mean you can do it?"
The boy stopped for a moment, and actually laughed. "No... I wish I could have heard that sooner... but no... it's short for useless. It's what everyone thinks of me anyway... stay safe..."

She didn't move until the ambulance arrived, but even then, Ochako couldn't help but be terribly conflicted about the boy. She wanted to help, but was, ultimately terrified. Remaining that way until... she came to a realization.

Heroes help people like him. I'll try to help him to. Maybe even try to be his friend.

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