Chapter 1 - All hail the king and queen

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Rafail gaped at his mate. Her voice in his head was the last thing he had expected to happen that night. It had rendered him too speechless to react to her words. And now her hand was wrapped around his. Had her skin always felt so warm?

"They'd have questions if we don't stay close together. Try to behave normally," She spoke again. Rafail nodded instinctively, not really understanding what she was saying.

Hand in hand, they met countless people who wished them a long and peaceful reign. Politely, they thanked and smiled at everyone. When the night came to an end, Thalia dropped his hand unceremoniously, allowing the cold to invade his soul once again.

Rafail simply stared as she walked towards Eve's direction and stole little Eeran from her arms. The baby giggled and she cooed at him. A huge smile adorned her face as she kissed all over his little face. There had been a time when she smiled at Rafail the same way too.

"Hey," Declan's hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his mind. "You okay?"

Rafail nodded but he didn't remove his eyes from Thalia. His heart shrank with every smile that formed on her lips.

Declan sighed, feeling sorry for his sister's mate. He could see how much Rafail was breaking and he wished he could do something to fix it all. He had tried talking to his sister but she would shut down any conversation that involved Rafail. The only person that was able to make her smile nowadays was Eeran, Declan's son.

"I know it is hard to believe it now but she does love you Rafail," Declan mumbled, making Raf snap his head at him. "She's just lost right now."

Rafail chuckled but it held no humor, only pain. "You don't have to lie to me, Declan. I appreciate the effort, but please stop," He said and strode off, not caring about Keenan and Blynn calling after him. He didn't need their support. It was her who did. He was fine. He was a king. He had to be fine.

Rafail climbed the stairs of the palace quickly. The construction workers had done a great job replicating the same building where his parents used to live and rule. Rafail had refused to get crowned in the castle that Cavan had built after burning down the Heroux legacy. His stubbornness had forced the council to bring out the old blueprints and build the palace again from scratch. While they worked, Rafail attended all the meetings and behaved as a true king would and that had been enough for them. After all, they were happy to witness the Heroux flourish once again.

Building the palace had taken almost a year. And today the king finally held a crown on top of his head. Today he also felt less of a king than ever before.

Rafail entered the throne room. He found the portrait he was looking for and looked up. With his hands in his pockets, he stood still as he stared at his father's face. Anton's black eyes seemed to stare back at him. The young king didn't move from his position for hours.

But dead men had no advice to offer. His father would always remain a brush of paint on a canvas and Rafail's heart would continue breaking.


"What are you doing here?" Keenan's voice interrupted his thoughts. When Rafail turned his head towards the old alpha, he hissed in pain at how stiff the muscles of his neck were.

"Nothing much," He said with a cough. He didn't want to talk. They should've just given up and left him alone.

"He was a great king," Keenan ignored Raf's answer as his eyes fell on the portrait of his friend.


"He was even a greater father," The old alpha looked at Rafail. "If he was here, he would've had some advice for you. I don't presume to know what he'd say but considering I spent a lifetime by his side, I'm sure that he would end his speech saying 'Only give up when you feel like it really is the best option'."

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