Chapter 23

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Seth POV:

I groan as I open my eyes slowly and look into the darkened room with fear. My head is pounding, and I feel sick to my stomach. The events of earlier tonight slowly start to come back to me, but nothing is clear. Everything is a blur and makes me tense.

I sit up in bed and switch on the lamp, noticing the room is not mine. Where am I? How could I get here? What happened after I got alcohol from Dean? I check out myself and soothe my clothes, clarifying that nothing awful happens to me. Several thoughts come to mind about how I appear here, but then I feel my stomach lurch violently.

I throw my hand over my mouth and run into the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. I almost puke my stomach out into the toilet bowl. "I'm never drinking again.." I begin to retch again. 

I sit on the floor for a few minutes and hold my head tightly, feeling exhausted. My eyes swirl in the back and make me fall almost, but I'm alerted because it's not my house. I should have got out of here. I hold the nearby wall tightly and help myself get back to my feet.

I wander around the darkened room and clutch every object carefully to make my way out, slipping out of the hotel room, anyway. I stroll around in the empty hallway and fall in several places, looking around for help.

At one time, I lean my back against the wall with my head buried in my knees. "Ah, my head hurts.." As I lift my hand to my head, I feel a sudden pain in my stomach that I can't take care of. I hold my stomach tightly and whimper in pain, breathing heavily.

My head still hurts, but not as bad as my stomach. I groan and move to stand up, reaching the lobby somehow. I sigh and wipe my sweaty forehead before letting my eyes look out through the glass doors.

I make my way out and sit on the small stairs while clutching my stomach. I look up at the night sky and laugh softly at my situation before daring to stare out. A glimpse of surprise crosses my face as I find the lunatic wandering around the parking lot. "D-Dean!"

Dean POV:

Out in the cool fall air again, my head feels a little clearer. I kick at the loose gravel scattered across the parking lot and curse under my breath. Why was I trying to pick fights with Seth all of a sudden? Sure, I had been drinking for hours. The alcohol didn't help. But it wasn't like I was even that drunk.

When I hear a familiar voice calling out my name, I stop dead in my track and turn to see who it is. A small smile curls on my lips when I find Seth sitting on the small stairs and holding his hand out to me.

With one quick step, I reach to him and pull him up from the stairs, hugging him tightly. I don't care what is going on around me at this time. "I'm here for you," I whisper in his ear and press a small kiss there.

I pull away from him and drag him to the side, pressing him against the wall and kissing him, once, twice, clumsy but enthusiastic. My hands are at the sides of his waist, bracketing him in, and he stays here, his body warm and consuming all my senses, our noses brushing, our breaths mingling.

His eyes are still closed, but he reaches up to run his fingers into my soft, still damp hair and presses our foreheads together. We both don't want this moment to stop, either. He's about to say something to this effect when I murmur against his mouth, "We should get inside. It's too cold here."

He nods and leans against my shoulder, letting me guide him to the room. Whoever watches us from far away guess that he's walking on his own, but it's not true! He's almost settled his weight on me and lets me drag him.

When we reach my room, he whines and glances down at his already-holding stomach. "My head is still pounding, but I don't feel nauseous anymore. Kinda hungry, to be honest." He murmurs, stomping the floor and moving to sit on it.

I grab his hand and drag him up carefully, making him sit on the couch. "I'll get you some ibuprofen from my bag. Then we can order room service."

"Thank you.." He says and leans his back against the couch, rubbing his stomach like there's a baby in it.

I smile softly and go back inside, grabbing the ibuprofen from my gym bag. I toss the bottle to Seth, who gets two pills out and swallows them with a glass of water. I take my phone out and dial the number for the hotel lobby. While I'm waiting for them to answer, I ask him, "Anything specific that you want?"

He shakes his head. "Not really."

I look at the menu that is sitting on the coffee table. "Biscuits and gravy sound good?"

"Yeah, whatever..." He says, rubbing his temples to try and make the migraine go away.

I finally hear someone answer the phone, so I let out a relieved sigh and ask, "Yes, I need an order of biscuits and gravy along with a bottle of mountain dew, please... Send it to room 269."

I hang up the phone after the call is over and turn to look at Seth as he bites his lip harder, trying to hold the pain, whatever it is. I don't know what to do about it, so I frown but then suggest, "You know... I've heard just making out can cure whatever pain that we're in."

Our eyes meet for a single second across the small space, and he's looking nervous suddenly, and I shove him back against the couch, my hips pinning his down. He doesn't have the chance to say anything this time before I'm stifling his words with my lips. I kiss him hard and deep, fingers splaying on his face and tangling tightly in his hair, and he's making these small noises in his throat like he's falling to pieces.

I move away from him when I hear the service boy knocking at the door. I let out a frustrated sigh and walk to the door, answering it. I grab the food from the guy and pay him. Once the guy leaves, I hand the container of biscuits, gravy, and mountain dew to him.

He eats silently and gives me a thanking look. When he has done, I grab the empty container from Seth and throw it in the garbage. I look at him and notice how tired he is, so I guide him to the bed. Whatever we need to talk about will wait until morning.

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