Chapter 14

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Seth POV:

The rain had started since I was leaving Mickie's house, but it didn't stop yet. It doesn't matter whether the rain stops or not. Whatever it is, I have work that I need to do. It's the only thing that makes me survive in this world with no one's help.

I'm just about shaking in my boots, even in the heated party supply store that I have worked at. I can see the rain tumbling down from the window; the ground has been covered by a layer of stagnant water. Somehow, it makes me shiver even more.

For a six-foot-tall man, with rippling muscle in my bones, I'm sure sensitive to the cold. The streets are empty, as is the store, and it is a telltale sign that people have the right idea by staying in. People are probably bundled up in their blankets, pressing against their loved ones, enjoying the warmth of their home.

However, I don't have the luxury of staying in and watching the rain from my house. I got called by the manager because, coincidentally, everyone else decided to skip this day. And since I was relatively new to the job, I couldn't afford to pass up the extra money, let alone turn down the boss. Not to mention I have no loved ones to press up against.

After my shift has over, I place the closed sign and lock the door, checking that everything is good. I sigh and adjust my umbrella, walking on the street with nothing on my mind other than reaching home fast.

I jump at the shrill noise that my phone makes and alerts me to the text. Is it Dean?! I slap the back of my head and curse under my breath for being stupid anymore. Why do I hang my life on the thread for a guy whom I have known only two weeks?

I shake my head and look up, finding Dean standing across the street. Not glancing in my way, just standing there under the streetlight and staring at my house. How could he be here? Is it my imagination or what?

My legs start to move toward him, but I decide against it and make my way to my house. I don't care if he's staying here, true or not. He's just like another person to me, so I don't need to excite too much. 

As I get on the porch, I brush a strand of hair off my face and stare at the lock. Even if I'm standing here, my mind is thinking about him. I shake the thought away and slip my hand into my pocket, getting a key from it.

"If you spend a lot of time dreaming to yourself, I'll hate to break it to you. You might be!" The sarcasm roll off the tongue of the abrasive voice that makes me jump, spinning around to find a grinning Dean standing behind me. So it's real! He's here!

"Sorry, I just lost in my thoughts." I blush but manage to slide into reality. "Hmm... why are you here?"

Smirking, the auburn-haired man leans back against the wall, his curls falling over his face as his eyes wander me from head to toe, making me blush heavy. "I missed you."

"Oh?" It makes me angry because he's lying to me and trying to make me mad. "Okay, I believed you. Is anything you want to tell me? I'm tired. I need to sleep."

He looks at me confused, not sure about what I have talked about, anyway. "Hey, what happened to you? You were good since our last meeting.." He snaps his fingers over my face after pulling himself away from the wall and moving closer to me.

Jumping again, I stutter, "Y-Yeah, sorry for that. And I understood my mistakes." I can't face him anymore, so I turn back and fit the key into the lock while shaking a bit.

He slides up beside me, throwing his arm across my shoulders as he shares, "What happened?" Eventually, his eyes scan me and try to know what is going on. "Kitten!"

Uncomfortably, I slide away from him and hold my hand out, placing it on his chest. "Please... I'm not a play toy. If you want to play with anyone's life, it's not pleasing to be with me. I don't want you to spoil my life for fun!" A tear slips out of my eye without am realizing it, so I shove him away and get in the house quickly.

Dean POV:

I walk down the small stairs in dissatisfaction and decide to go to the car, but I can't. My legs feel heavy and make me sit on the porch, letting me not move anywhere. I stare at the rain in complete silence and feel something new. It's the first time that I get time to admire the rain.

My mind starts picturing the moment, which has happened a little earlier and makes me think about it. I saw others cry if I hurt them, but it was only about themselves, not having any other intention in it. But Seth's crying was something that made my heart worried a little. He was crying, not for himself, for me. A tear left out of his eye was frustration that he couldn't take it anymore.

I didn't see anyone cry for me before, not my family and friends. They never let a single drop waste from their eye because of wanting to stay with me. They were always trying to get rid of me. Now and before!

In my childhood, if I hurt myself, my mom would slap me and make me cry even more, but she didn't weep at once for me. But he was the only one who broke down for me in my life. It seems new, entirely new!

It is disturbing me much and making me worry about it. I run my fingers through my messy blond and keep staring at the rain, not caring that I'm getting wet because of it.

Now the rain looks like it's all his tears that he lets out for me. I slam to the floor frustratedly and curse under my breath for being an asshole to him. For the first time in my life, I care for another person and think about how to prompt him.

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