Chapter 13

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Seth POV:

I blink my eyes open and look around, finding that I'm staying in the living room for an entire night. I sigh and lie on the couch for a few moments, trying not to think much about Dean. Because I hadn't heard any reply from him for last three days even if he had my phone number. Maybe he would think I was a joke.

I wince and roll onto the couch, trying to get into a comfortable position. As I turn over, my eyes land on the phone that's resting on the coffee table. I stare at it for a few minutes before letting my hand grab the phone from it.

There are a bunch of new messages waiting for me, and it fills me with anxiety and excitement in equal turns. I scroll through each text and stare at it in disbelief. I can't believe that this is my life right now. Is it true or that I'm dreaming now?

Without realizing it, my fingers search for his number and call him. Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing now, and I don't want to dwell on it much because I'm swaying. If I do, I will drive myself insane.

The excitement bubble up in my chest loses its uniqueness when I hear another guy's voice on the other side instead of him. I almost have tears burn up in my eyes, and I don't know the reason behind it.

I hang up the phone quickly and throw it on the coffee table, closing my eyes for a moment. Why do I upset this much for a guy who's considering my life a game? Why do I care about a guy whom I have known for only two weeks?

My hand crawls onto my stomach accidentally and rubs it, not knowing about anything. Everyone in my life doesn't think that I also have a heart, even my parents, who have adopted me. Then how could I blame him?

It's all my fault. I knew I didn't deserve Dean, but I wanted to try something. How dare I would be? I shouldn't have fallen into his trap that he has thrown out for me, but I try to jump onto it. I show myself as an easy person to him. How could I?

Do I look like a person who gets attracted to another by just their looks, fame, or money? Maybe. Then how could I fall for him, even I knew he was not into a relationship type? A tear falls from my eye as I squeeze my stomach lightly, feeling something is wrong with me.

Quite frankly, he's a banquet full of eye candy, and I'm clearly not. He is indeed the type of guy I have not deserved and is an easy way out of my league. I wipe the tear away and get up from the couch, trying to move on to the next subject.

I guess I will forget about him easily because we've only met a couple more times. So it's not a big deal for me. Maybe these unwanted things will come to my mind whenever I watch him on the television, but I hope I can take that. Can I?

I brush my hair out of my face and walk over to the kitchen, but stop when I hear my phone ring. Is it Dean? I slap the back of my head and scowl at myself for being willing to fall into the trap again. I shake my head and move further, but the phone keeps getting my attention.

I mutter under my breath and grab my phone, noticing the call from Mickie. So it's still not him. Oh, shit! Why am I keep distracted by him? We don't have much between us to describe our relationship. Then why am I acting stupid?

I squeal loudly in frustration and try to calm my nerves before attending the call. "Hey, Mickie. How are you doing?"

"Fine. I really miss you." A smile curls on my lips as I hear her voice again. At least she misses me and thinks about me that my family and Dean don't have. "I feel bored. Can you come over here?"

I think about it for a moment before nodding at her. "Yeah. See you later." If I stay here alone with my mind full of thoughts, I'm sure I will get depressed quickly.

I run to my room and get a hot shower, feeling grateful for at least now. With a bit of playfulness, I wear my shining t-shirt with Jack Nicholson bellowing 'Here's Johnny' and a pair of jeans that have seen better days, the edges frayed and the legs pulling up a bit on me.

I sigh and step down the stairs while pulling my hair into a lazy bun before leaving the house. I put a helmet on and slide my leg on the bike, riding it to her apartment. Luckily for me that I have my friend. So I hope it can take my mind off him.

As I reach her apartment, she is standing outside and waiting for me with a cute smile on her face. "Hey." She smiles and gives me a small hug, leading me inside.

With a bit of hesitation, I watch her walking around the room. She puts her phone down on the coffee table, then unbuttons her jacket and hangs it on the coat rack. "Wait a minute. I'll make a coffee for you." She says, patting on my shoulder.

"No thanks. I just came here to spend time with you, not with your coffee." I grin, grabbing her hand and settling her on the couch.

She elbows her head and glances at me for a few moments, trying to observe me. As her sight plaster on me, I feel tensed and begin to worry again about my inability. She nods at me and lets me lie on her lap, stroking my arm gently. She is always special to me because she acts like my mother sometimes.

"How's everything going?" She asks, trying to take her time and clarifying that I'm not disturbed by it.

"I don't want to talk about it." I hold her legs tightly and bury my face in her lap, trying not to worry about anything. I visit her not to disturb my mind, but here I am. As soon as I understand that no one wants me in their life, everything will be all right. And it's not the first time that someone dumps me!

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