Chapter Twenty-Three: Trip to Tokyo / Supernatural Forces

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"Nah. They're just idiots." Braedey sighed to himself. Internally, he felt like something was burning, making him place a hand on his chest. 'Heartburn or something?' He thought to himself, but shook it off as nothing.

As the train continued on forth to Tokyo, Hana and Prima could both sense something amiss inside of Braedey. They weren't sure as of what it could be, but they didn't raise any questions or suspicion. At least for now.


Eventually, the class had arrived in Tokyo, and after taking a metro train through the city, they made it to the temple.

Nishiarai Daishi (西新井大師), formally Sojiji (総持寺), is a relatively large Shingon Buddhist temple located in the northeastern part of Tokyo

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Nishiarai Daishi (西新井大師), formally Sojiji (総持寺), is a relatively large Shingon Buddhist temple located in the northeastern part of Tokyo.It is said to have been founded in 826 by Shingon Sect founder Kukai. This temple is right in front of Tobu Daishi Line Daishi-mae Station, which is a station away from Tobu Skytree Line Nishiarai Station (and Daishi Line ends here).

"Okay, everyone. Stay together and don't desecrate the temple, or else." Miss Kuna warned to everyone, while giving a glare at Harry and his cronies.

"Why is she looking at us with suspicion?" Bob asked to his friends.

"It's because she knows you'll do something stupid." Emily spoke back harshly, her arms crossed under her huge chest.

"Hey, guys. There's a fortune teller over there." Tessa pointed over to a woman at a stall inside of the temple. "Maybe we can find out about our fortune."

The others agreed with this, though Emily wasn't too fond of this. She thought fortune tellers were just fake. Dante met up with the group to keep an eye out. Tio and Leo had asked the fortune teller what she sees, and she told them that she sees a bright happy future with the two, much to their surprise. Tessa's fortune said she'll have a unique life. Dante's fortune said he'll possibly take over the temple he grew up inside of.

"So, what will Braedey's fortune be?" Tessa now asked to the fortune teller, Braedey now sitting in front of the woman.

The fortune teller looked into her crystal ball, but as she does so, she could see something wrong. She could see nothing but the silhouette of a man shrouded in flames. She looked back in shock, now looking to Braedey.

"A dark evil resides within you..." The fortune teller said to the brunette, fear in her eyes. "The flames residing within is of your rage... It rises within from your hatred against your father..."

"We do know Braedey hates his father, but a dark evil? What does that mean?" Maryellen whispered to the others.

"No clue." Leo shrugged.
"Even I don't know." Tessa added.
"Same." Dante included.
"Beats me." Hana shook her head.
"I agree. Even I don't know." Prima commented.

𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑒𝑑𝑒𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙'𝑠 𝑆𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑙 (HaremXBraedey)Where stories live. Discover now